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Everything posted by Mattitude

  1. Just wondering if anyone else is having problems with this site. Everytime I click on it it keeps showing me April 30th and I can't get it to refresh at all. Thanks. http://www.intellicast.com/WeatherImg/Rada...d_None_anim.gif
  2. Happy Birthday buddy! Hope you have a good one!
  3. Yeah I'm not good with lyrics, you know "I wanna rock and roll all night and part of every day"KISS..."hold me closer Tony Danza" ELTON JOHN..."Scuse me while I kiss this guy" JIMI HENDRIX
  4. Aha that's it! I was just writing what it sounded like to me. I was in a poker game at the time so I couldn't hear it well at all. Thanks man!
  5. Can someone help me with a Metallica song? I've heard it before a few times, sounds newer and there's a short verse he says really fast that sounds like he's saying something like "Gimme something on the side" at the end of the short verse.
  6. A buddy of mine bought a new house but kept his house on the Severn River as well. He told me he was thinking of renting it out over the summer. Close to couchiching and a small boat ride to Sparrow Lake. I can ask him if you want.
  7. Went over to the Talbot River today and the Walleye are already there. Not huge numbers but some big ones. They are about 2 weeks early this year and by next week it should be pretty thick. I took some pics but I can't resize them properly, it's been a while since I've posted pics. If any one has a good program let me know. Some of the pics look a little different because I was trying to get a polarized effect by holding my sunglasses over the lens. Hope they are ok.
  8. I got a Chesapeake Bay Retriever in November and we taught him to ring a bell on the doorknob to let us know when he has to go out, it works great. As for ripping up stuff always take away whatever you see them chewing on and replace with what is acceptable. For crate training start it as soon as you get the dog and never go to it if it starts crying when its in the crate, if you do he'll just think he will get what he wants if he starts crying. Also try watching The Dog Whisperer he has alot of great information and techniques that I have used and they really work. Hope some of this helps.
  9. Apparently his appearance etc is an act. It is part of a mockumentary being filmed by Casey Affleck, Ben Afflecks younger brother. http://celebedge.ca/Dramarama/ContentPosti...'''
  10. All is good buddy, just working all the time it seems. Hope you are well too! Glad you liked the vid, too cool!
  11. Haven't been around for a while, but I found this today and thought I'd share it.
  12. I hear a Simcoe walleye is a very elusive fish. Good luck!
  13. Sorry to hear that. Same thing happened to my girlfriend in the summer. Her dog (boxer) was even in the back. I swear I would have loved to have caught him in the middle of it.
  14. LOL You're probably right!
  15. I found this while checking out some other sites. If it's real....WOW! http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,446686,00.html
  16. I'm not "whining" about the cops. I do agree that cell phones etc have the potential to cause accidents. But if a law is passed it should be for everyone not just us no common sense having civilians. As for them having more common sense........no comment. I'm not trying to start a debate here, this is just my personal opinion.
  17. And I do recall a few years ago that this was in the news and police were threatening to pull people over if they saw people doing this. Thats my point. My other point is that even if they did pass the law cops would still be doing it.
  18. I can't count how many times I've seen a cop driving while talking on a cellphone.
  19. Don't forget he made Tucker look pretty silly last year and they are the same size.
  20. He can play and he doesn't back down. Alot of teams were making a run for him in the off season possibly even the Leafs so I heard. He has a job and he does it well. I find him entertaining to watch. He'll never be kicked out of the league because he puts butts in the seats.
  21. Simcoe road 46 is the road that brings you to the launch. Look for Osprey lane just before the bridge or just after depending on which way you are coming. It is a free public launch.
  22. I went out today for some smallmouth fishing, leeches etc ready to go. Cast out the line a few times and suddenly I get a hit. I start reeling in and suddenly I start feeling that it's definetly heavy and big. Well I start to play it and get a quick glimspe of something big, for a second I thought it was a carp from the way it kept pulling..nope.. (after a few moments) it comes to the surface and does a nice jump and I saw what would be my biggest fish ever! A Musky! Long story a little shorter I called my girlfriend over to help get the net ready, it takes a couple more runs and I guess found a nice rock in the water to help fray my line and ...gone Now I only got a couple glimpses of it but I know Musky have been caught there so I'm hoping that is what it was. We came so close yet it got away.. BTW I was using 10 lb braid a smallish hook and live leeches. I'm still a little upset but oh well. Now I know why you guys are so addicted to them...What a fight!
  23. Just be thankful you didn't hear dueling banjoes while you felt like you where being watched!
  24. I've been fishing at the Narrows the past couple of days and every once in a while I'll see one come floating by out of Simcoe through the Narrows.
  25. Awesome pictures Justin! Must've been the trip of a lifetime.
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