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Everything posted by Mattitude

  1. Its 1-877-847-7667. I'm off to work but I hope to hear something tonight or tomorrow. I also let them know that being the long weekend I am positive that there will be people there all week end and that they could probably check every day and probably check and see or find a violation every time. BTW I also saw a family in a blow up boat and there had to be about six of them in it with no PFDs and it was in a very high traffic area. Not cool. I figure I'm just gonna call everytime I see something and maybe something will get done now.
  2. Just went to one of my spots today and saw a few violations ie 2 lines in the water and only 1 person using it etc, so I decided that it was time to call it in. I spoke to a younger guy and he asked for licence plates numbers and location and it appears that someone is supposedly on their way to check it out. I asked for a call back so I can know if it turned out good or not.
  3. Nice job! Just imagine what it's like when the weather is nice.
  4. GCD listens to The Offspring!
  5. Like my buddy says "mountain dew on one side and root beer on the other"
  6. I have caught very good sized smallies, walleye and a musky (which broke my line and got away ) all in Washago. The fishing is very good up there. Make sure you get leeches which all of these were caught on including the musky if you can believe that! Also I believe the Green river is better for fishing than the Black but that's just my opinion.
  7. Today, 07:27 AM
  8. Just got another message from our dear mercy. God love her she is persistent.
  9. Looks terrible. You can see it all the way from highway 11 across the lake. But at least it's a small island and not something like Big Chief. I'd like to try to hit them with lures when they fly low through the narrows.
  10. You know you're welcome in O-town anytime!
  11. I wish they'd make their way to some of my shore fishing spots on Couch and Dalrymple, and i have called to inform them.
  12. Absolutlely loved that Hendo KO. Wow he still has it! Amazing!
  13. No we aren't allowed to show it so I booked the night off LOL
  14. Hate to say it but GSP may be going down tonight. Either way it's gonna be one heck of a night.
  15. Thats great! Thanks for the help guys!
  16. Anyone have any tips for keeping leeches from dying. Bought some the other day and haven't had a chance to use them yet. I remember last year having some in the fridge and they died after not using them for a bit. Thanks.
  17. That's it Tilly, thanks.
  18. Found this today and no it is not one of those scary surprise videos. Just very weird and a little nasty. Not sure if it's a hoax but if it isn't, what the heck are these things? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2vXumcM8Ok
  19. Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris.
  20. They were bad up in Algonquin Park on Wednesday. We were trying to get pictures of moose and soon after rolling the windows down we got swarmed.
  21. Looks like a Snow Goose to me. http://www.alandsuejohnson.com/assateague%...s/scan0051.html
  22. Thanks for all the replies guys. I don't remember hearing a pop or a snap but it all happened so fast so I really don't know. All I can say is the pain is bad and walking is near impossible. Dr can't see me today but hopefully tomorrow so it's another day of waiting.
  23. That's crazy!
  24. Hey all. I had a bit of an accident the other day and twisted up my knee pretty bad. Was wondering if anyone has any experience with knee injuries. I did some searches and I think I may have done something to the ACL. Won't find out until possibly tomorrow but Xray at the hospital came up negative for anything broken. Just gotta see if my Dr can see me soon. Totally unable to walk and the pain is crazy if I just slightly move it a certain way.
  25. Thanks Terry I appreciate it.
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