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Everything posted by Mattitude

  1. They were all left out of the water so they won't be swimming anymore. Either way I didn't think they had made it here yet. Unfortunate for the lake but something's gotta eat them hopefully.
  2. Haven't been around in a while but I thought I should post this. I was at one of my shore spots in Orillia and watched some guy pull out 3 consecutive Gobies. He wasn't sure what they were so he asked me and I looked at it right away and knew (and no it wasn't a sculpin at least from the pictures I've seen) I have a picture on my phone that I will try to upload. I had no idea they were here until today.
  3. I get called names at my job too but I can't give them warnings and then ultimately throw them down and arrest them for doing it, if I did I would be fired. When most people sign up for a job they know the risks.
  4. You are quickly becoming my hero
  5. Amen brother!
  6. Raw video of a Grizzly charging a film maker. http://current.com/news/92502592_grizzly-charge-captured-by-b-c-filmmaker.htm Damn nature, you scary!
  7. +1 for Torrance Barrens. Really unique spot with areas that resemble the tundra of the Artic. Should be a good spot for fall colours too.
  8. Yeah that's what I thought but figured salamanders would not hang out on a hot rock and plus this thing was jumping around as well. Quite a cool experience!
  9. My first post in a while here, but I thought this was pretty cool. My girlfriend and I went out kayaking today at a secluded, no residences of any kind 1 road in same road out Muskoka lake today. We decided to do some fishing and caught a couple decent smallies but no pics only because I thought that would be asking for trouble bringing my camera in the kayak. I was paddling along a rock face when something caught my eye. At first I thought it was a salamander but it was moving too quick to be that, as i got closer I realized it was a lizard, a 5 lined skink as I found out when I got home and looked it up on the internet. Looked exactly like the one here. Crazy blue tail and all http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUGaNPKIIHw. I had no idea that we had actual lizards in Ontario let alone Central Ontario.
  10. I made the mistake of "helping" someone I met there with some shore fishing spots, needless to say I heard through the grapevine that this guy got charged with going over his catch limit, fishing out of season etc. I learned the hard way and wish I never told him. BTW Narrows hasn't been good for a while now.
  11. Charging for air now? Probably just inflation.
  12. Get well soon man! Watch that knee, I screwed mine up in the spring and it is still giving me problems.
  13. LOL! I do believe that someone basically called me a liar! All I had to do was get permission to post the pics. You all knew I wouldn't let you down.
  14. And here we go. Looks big to me.
  15. Ok I'm having trouble posting a pic. I have to take off for a bit but I will post one later if I can figure it out again
  16. Read one post above you. I'm gonna ask if I can post them.
  17. From thrashing around in the boat is what it said. Also it was tangled up in the net and took a while to get it free, which is why it was kept.
  18. Hey everyone. I just recieved an e-mail from a friend of mine whos son helped a guy in Sparrow Lake this past saturday net a 54 inch 50 plus pound muskie. The email is real, my friends son is in one of the pictures so I know its a real pic from around here. Apparently it broke 4 rods and was kept only because it was to worn out after the battle (don't shoot the messenger) I'm not sure if I can post the pics only because they aren't mine.
  19. Hey everyone, I found this last night and thought I'd share it. This is crazy and not fake at all. These are all sounds this bird has picked up while construction was going on nearby. Sounds exactly like the real thing. 1. Hammer 2. Chainsaw 3. Jack hammer 4. Lawn mower hitting sticks 5. Leaf blower starting 6. Power drill 7. Wood saw 8. Human voices 9. Two-way radio 10.Worker whistling He makes lots of different bird calls as well. What can you hear
  20. Being that they were kids is one thing, regardless of race or whatever, they probably should have been spoken to in some way as to what they were doing wasn't so right. If it was adults then it would be a whole different story only because we expect most people to know certain rules and regulations, but we have all seen that isn't true.
  21. God knows none of us did anything bad or questionable when we were young.
  22. I tried Hoegaarden on tap few years ago and very impressed with it. Almost has a floral taste but whatever, it was good.
  23. The dam at the top end of couchiching is wide open right now and wasn't about 3 weeks ago. The water there is really flowing through. I bet that has alot to do with it for sure.
  24. I thought it was cool that after 60+ years that bakery is on the same corner. I didn't realize how much stucco until now! If you look close in a few of the new photos you can see what looks like the old bullets holes and shrapnel damage.
  25. Just found this site and thought some of you might find it interesting. http://acidcow.com/pics/3772-normandy_1944...w_204_pics.html
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