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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. The problem with hunting bear in the Fall is they are much fatter and the meat is not as good eating. This puts some people off. As well bear hunting is down on the list of most peoples priority. The Fall Bear hunt overlaps with other seasons that are far more popular, Deer, Moose and Bird hunting. Not as many hunters are willing to go bear hunting as it means they have to give up one of those three. Less hunters, means less bears. It doesn't matter how many tags they assign. And to my understanding there is NO lottery for bear. This means that everyone that wants to hunt bear in the fall can hunt bear in the fall. As mentioned the problem is not the availability of hunting bear, its the feasibility and the time of year. I don't know many hunters that hunt for trophy, most if not all hunt for the meat. The best time to encourage bear hunting is two fold. A> when there are no other hunting oppourtunities B> When the meat is at its prime tasting I would rather have 350 pounds of lean Bear in my freezer than 450 pound of fatty bear. As for Cubs being left alone to die this is also a misnomer as almost everyone that hunts hunts with the the hopes of targetting a male. They are typically about 30% larger than females. If anyone is concerned about stranded cubs, than pass it so that if you shoot a female (sow) with a cub you are also required to harvest the cubs if possible.believe me, a sow with cubs will not be far away.
  2. And in case anyone thinks I am kidding or stretching the truth. Don't forget what happened in 2010... http://www.thestar.com/news/ontario/article/813758--mauling-victim-gives-chilling-account-of-bear-attack
  3. Spring bear hunt is the solution to bear population control. Nothing will happen on that front until someone in a city gets mauled or killed. Cidiots tend to feel that if you live north of highway 7 and a bear kills you its because you are on its turf. A bear meanders into oakville and the swat team is called in. That happens up north and the answer is light a firecracker and scare it away. Seriously shake your head. When a bear kills a human they don't die from the initial attack. They are eaten piece by piece, until they bleed to death. Awake the entire time. A bear will rarely in an attack kill instantly. Every occourance I have heard about the person is partially mutilated with limbs chewed off, face, arms and legs eaten and digested while they are attatched to the person as they are awake and lucid. Skin, flesh and organs ripped from the bone. Sorry for being so visual but its the truth. Throw a firecracker at a returning nuisance bear? Not by me. Unless its attatched to the end of a 180 grain 30-06 bullet. Now this isn't to say that attacks happen allot, as we all know this is not the case. I can tell you this without any uncertainty that when it does happen its not something you want to be around, have happen to or even hear the details. A bear that associates food with humans is a bear that needs to be harvested. They can't be relocated as they will return for several hundred km's. This was proven by the MnR with algonquin park nuisance bears. Putting it down is the only safe answer here. Just my opinion of course.
  4. Awesome let's see some pictures...
  5. Sorry about that, I couldn't resist. The only thing useful I would add is that your bass boat will hunker down pretty good when pulling a tube up on plane. If you tie down to the back then the rope will likely be under water. Same goes for skiing. It can be done but it will be hard for the skier to stand up. I would think seriously about getting a high 5 prop a fair number of pitch inches below what you run while skiing. This will help you to get out of the water and get the person out of the water. I used to do a fair bit of towing toys behind my bowrider, and I ran a 19inch prop normally and a 15 inch prop while tubing. I tied down to the "o" boats on the transom with a "Y" harness and a float. Never had an issue with the motor chewing up the rope.
  6. I would suggest an 8' extra heavy action St.Croix Premier Musky rod, spooled with 100 pound power power pro, maybe a big slip float. Better start working them biceps.
  7. There used to be a little pond with panfish and small bass by my old public school. Recently drove back there and saw that it was now a drainage ditch for a subdivision.
  8. Yes, bring I have a 7 Foot heav XF compre in Spinning and casting. Both with 50 pound power pro, one with the symetre 4000 and one with a curado. Tried a dhsv 200 and an E. The symetre out casts both by a fair bit.
  9. Wow, I seriously just came up with that. I made myself lol.
  10. A shore fishing man from Nantucket He kept all his fish in a bucket. But the Ministry, Came By, Took Away his wet Fly So he bought a Bass Boat, and said #$%@it.
  11. WOW Now, thats a fishing boat. Not my thing, but no denying that thing is built for the big water and big fish.
  12. Well poo poo on you too. haha
  13. Wow they stock fish that small? I thought they would all be yearlings or something. Kinda cool I guess, but I am with others that cleaning up that toilet tank would be a better idea. Maybe they will make the cormorants taste good.
  14. One of my favorite lakes to fish for Bass. If you can get a good deal then go for it.
  15. Hmm, I never even heard of this show. I think I should be the next big thing. I can catch fish.
  16. I have been using a baitcaster for a number of years and have used all sorts of good and cheap ones, but a spinning real will out cast a baitcaster. Thats why I use the 4000 for frog fishing. Alot of times you just can't get the boat as deep into the weeds as you want. a big spinning real and a long spining rod will help you get the extra oompf when you want it. Other than that Yah, if I want lots of line on the spool its a baitcaster.
  17. I was hoping for luongo, and if wend up with poggie? Oh think my blue blood may end getting a transfusion.
  18. Also there is a bit more drag power, as well you can crank a bit better with the longer handle on bigger fish. I wouldn't dream of trying to real in amusky with a 2500 but the 4000 has brought in a number of fish without issue. I know some musky guys will complain at that but this is my experience.
  19. I have some 2500's and a 4000 rear drag symetre. I like them all. I use the 4000 for throwing gs for bass and lighter musky stuff. With a heavy action rod it works really welll. Super long casts and loads of line capacity. When I throw frog I like to bomb them out real far.
  20. The leafs don't need a goalie they have reimer and scrivens.
  21. Thanks. These were hand held if I recall.
  22. I was gonna buy an indiana jones hat to wear fishing this year, but. When I tried one on I realized I would need a whip to complete the look, and my tournament partner refuses to scream "Da plane Boss da plane" every time I hook a fish.
  23. The tilley store is right near where I work, if you want to ship it to me in toronto, I could exchange it for you in store if you want, maybe call them frist. Its the one on don mills.
  24. Bass pro is great for having sales on stuff they don't have in stock.
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