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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. I have that one, and although its automatic it never will read charged until you unplug it and plug it back in. Have returned it twice. the MFG said thats how they are.
  2. I doubt it would be too stiff. It may peel off but when you leave it to dry just make sure its in a good shape. that may be the only shape it stays in.
  3. How come people get behind the "buy domestic and save a job" sentiment but people hjate the handouts.... Imo you want the handouts to go away boycot the companies asking for them.
  4. A fair number of walleye from what I know of, look for the locals trolling allong the weedlines in the evenings. Also there are some good sized lakers to be had as well. Try jigging off the bottom. They will be deep.
  5. Thank, I am pretty sure its something in the head or motor versus the pedal. I tried to direct wire it and no dice.
  6. My trolling motor bit the biscuit today. Made for a crap day of bass fishing. Not sure what went, will be doing some tinkering tonight and tomorrow. But does anyone know anyone that fixes minkota stuff for a good price?
  7. YGM
  8. I forgot to mention another non related quote of cow attacks. No one said that every encounter that is a bad one ends in a fatality. Or that fatalities are the only thing trying to be prevented. How many nuisance bears have been reported in Ontario last year to the MnR alone. not including those that are reported to the OPP.... Answer? over 12,600.... Thats 35 per day 365 days a year in ontario. How many nuisance cow reports have there been in ontario last year?
  9. I'm not too sure if you are choosing to not pay attention to the facts or you just didn't see them. I'll lay it out one more time. Since the cancellation of the spring bear the estimated population of bears has increased a tremendous amount. This has caused bears to have a lack of food in the forests. They get pushed out in search of food and look for food in towns, and cities. There range encroaches more and more on the human populations every year. This has resulted in an increase in nuisance bears. This increase in nuisance bears gives more opportunity for something bad to happen. Attacks, maulings, property damage etc... Relocating nuisance bears does NOT work. The Bear hunters are the only thing that keeps the bear population in check. The spring bear hunt is the most effective time for that to happen in terms of numbers for population as well as meat quality for the hunters. There will always be nuisance bears and there always have been. However not in the numbers there have been since the cancellation of the spring bear hunt. You can choose to ignore these facts that have been referenced and quoted in this thread from reputable sources if you want. It doesn't change that they are facts. I presume you will choose to reply back with a quip of how you are a man and not afraid of bears. or they are cute and cuddly and you have never been attacked or that there are street gangs shooting people, or some other ludicrous statement. But I would think it would be worth sitting for a few moments and reading the facts before responding.
  10. What does Working towards solving one problem (Too many bears and a need to control thepopulation) have to go with gun violence? and BTW gun homicides in GTA are at a lower rate right now than previous years, I guess some people choose to ignore fact and sensationalize whatever they feel.
  11. http://www.thedailypress.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1129961&archive=true Queen's Park not bear wise
  12. Not sure what your point is? Isn't this thread about Bears? I doubt you would find a a hunter, fisherman, northerner, or City person that wants to see gang or gun violence.
  13. That's the point. The number of constant nuisance bears is on a dramatic rise due to the increase in population. The spring bear hunt more effectively controls the population to reduce these. Why does it matter if they are harvested in the fall or spring. I don't understand how if more bear will be harvested in the spring is a bad thing if the population is increasing to the point where there are an increasing number of nuisance bears that you agree that you want "dealt" with. By dealt you must mean harvest, as relocation is proven many many times over to not work.
  14. I would be willing to bet that if you were sitting on one side of your camp ground and your daughter on the other and a black bear walked through your camp site in between you and your child you would think a bit differently.
  15. Happy Bday... and boy are you ever looking fit at your age.
  16. I don't think ANYONE has suggested that all the bear be culled. You guys are pretty funny. Protect the bear's and leave it alone, its cute and cuddly, but let me go fishing and pull fish around by there jaws with a shard of steel. Makes me laugh a bit. I don't think anyone here has said they are afraid of a bear. however there are some realities when living in Bear country. and I used to live with bears around us frequently for a number of years. The Feeling of every single one of my neighbours was if a bear stays in the woods, fine. If it comes into town repeatedly it gets put down. The spring bear hunt encourages more hunters to help control the population. It happens in the fall regardless. So why not have it when it encourages the best numbers of hunters to help control the population to safer and sustainable limits. If there was a population concern of not enough than they would have a lottery like deer. (Only X number of bears here or there). The fact is the MnR knows there are too many that's why anyone with a hunting license can go shoot a bear regardless of how many others are also doing the same. If there were all of a sudden no limits on say Walleye in Pigeon. What would that tell you? I think it would tell me that there are too many walleye in Pigeon Lake.
  17. So you think that in a campsite where there are 300 sites separated by what 3 feet of treeline that if your site is clean everything will be fine? What about your house? rofl that's so funny. A bear will surely look at my clean yard and the fact that I have no bird seed out and will just walk around the block. Yes the stats are everywhere that suggest the bear population is gaining ground steadily or rapidly and that there are more and more encounters with bears every day than there were prior. Here is a source, and there is a quote from a different source. http://www.ontarioblackbears.com/
  18. Thats pretty easy to say but when you are outside with your kids you have never zipped inside to grab them a drink or a popsicle. You are being pretty unrealistic to say kids are never outside by themselves. And this is not just up north. No offense, I am far more likely to be comfortable with my kids in site of me outside up north than I am in Toronto. I guess your right though we should treat all animals with respect and never kill or harm them for food or sport either. I mean you say that there is NO danger to humans because bad things don't happen. So it must just all be for fun right? Kind of like fishing? You better sell all your fishing gear and never go fishing then, because after all whats the differenece between jabbing a steel fishing hook through a fishes mouth and jerking it out of the water where it can't breathe and holding it in the sun to bake while you take a picture of it for sport, only to just kill it and eat it, or throw it back in the water. I doubt anyone would be OK with taking a grappling hook to a bears mouth and dragging it under water for a few minutes while it thrashes around gasping for air so you can get a nice picture of it, only to rip the hook out of its mouth and let go back into the woods.
  19. Not everyone is allergic to peanuts but we take preacations against that in our schools don't we? Population control is a reasonable precaution in the eyes scientists.
  20. Even though I currently live in Toronto. Thats only been for the last few years. You can certainly teach your 5 year old child to not leave the garbage can out at night, not eat in a tent, and not leave out some bird seed. But do you honestly believe that ANY 5 year old child will react properly and be able to fend a bear off should the unthinkable happen? Think about it honestly befor eyou hug a tree and spout something out. Actually think about the situation. Close your eyes and picture yourself in it. If you had or have kids and if/when they were or are 5 years old, how would you think they would react if they were outside in the backyard playing with there friends and a bear walked in between them and the house looking for some food. How would they react? And how would you react If you were inside your house, and your kids was at the back of your yard and a 600 pound Black bear was inbetween you and him or her? I highly doubt you would go run for your camera to take a picture of the pleasant and natural encounter.
  21. If you ever see Roy wearing a cat suit lock your doors....
  22. When you enter your location into your profile, Roy gets a message and he sneaks into your house at night and implants a gps tracking chip into your spine. Your co-ordinates are then tracked and displayed on a google earth GIS layer for all to see. The map is also cross referenced with wind patterns, time of day, lake depth charts, barometric and lunar readings. Now where did I put my tin foil hat?
  23. The problem with bears that has been very very well documented over the years is this. Bears in the woods doing there thing are not a problem. 99 percent of tthe bear encounters are not a problem. There are however three situations where bears are a problem. 1) Rogue freak out not wired properly black bears that will stalk humans. 2) a mother and her cub with a human in between. 3) A bear that has associated human pressence with food. Not all of these will relate into a bad encounter every time. However the chances of being in a a deadly or life threatening encounter in one of these three are greatly increased over the typical encounter of "Hey look a bear walked through our camp sight/driveway/backyard/trailer park and I shouted at it and it ran away." People have a good amount of control over reducing these like putting there stuff away, however the only real answer is to reduce the bear population to the point where they bears have no need or desire to come out of where they typically live in search of food. As the bear population increase there home range gets cramped and they spread and encroach on urban areas as far south as Oshawa and Oakville. I have even heard of them being in Rouge River valley. No one is asking for a mass cull on bears like they were asian carp or round eyed gobies. Population control is something that is not able to be sustained with a fall bear hunt. I see this as being a two pronged issue. 1) remove the bears that are currently associating humans with food in and around urban areas. 2) bring back the spring bear hunt to encouage more hunters to harvest bears and help control the population to a sustainable level within the areas that they should naturally be. Make no mistake about it, a bear should not be living in a town or city. A grown adult knows enough to stand up tall and make some noise to scare off a bear. A child will freak out cry and run. I know all sorts of people that never had an incident with a bear. But I bet my last dollar anyone that has been mauled, attacked or chased by a bear couldn't give a rats ass how many times you or I have seen a bear without incident.
  24. If the cops were hunters they would have ensured of the safe back stop before shooting.
  25. I tend to know the odds of getting struck by lightning, and I am not afriad of lightning. I don't walk around with a metal pole on my head during storm, and I also get off the water during a thunderstorm. Its not the average bear to be worried about, but the last time I checked they don't wear special shirts that says what one is safe and what one is not. There was another guy that spent his life learning about bears, studying them and tempting fate with them... Of course all know where he ended up. In the belly of a bear, along with his wife as I recall. I too have seen many bear up close, in the bush and even on my deck in my backyard. I am not afraid of them but I do know that that having a bear inside a populated area, that is associating humans with food, is a bad bad situation.
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