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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. Yep, I have heard of and sen lots of good size musky pictures from balsam. Hopefully I can find something.
  2. I think burke could have had a few free agents over the last few years, but burke hasn't wanted to pull the trigger... Richards is one I think he could have had if he had of put the term out there. I am hoping he can get a deal on luongo before the season starts as I doubt vancouver will want to have both goalies at camp. I am still holding out for nash as well.
  3. I don't minni will have much expectation this year considering they missed the playoffs by a good margin last year, but they will be looking forward to making the playoffs.
  4. Burke better start picking up something.... nash...???
  5. Hey guys, I'll be taking the family camping on balsam this weekend and week, I have an evening sceduled with just the fiance and myself out to do some musky fishing. Her first Musky outing. I have all the right gear so no worries there, only thing is I have never been musky fishing on Balsam. If anyone is willing to point me in the right direction for a few spots I woul dgreatly appreciate it. I am hoping she catches one and enjoys it. OtherwiseI'll be stuck fishing for perch all week. lol Anyway, I do have a few spots in mind but any info is appreciated. PM's would likely be best. Candid Pics and credit will be given if requested on the board, but care will be taken to ensure shorelines and locations will not be revealed. Of course any general banter on Musky fishing on Balsam on this thread is also welcome. I was going to go with my tried and true kawartha pattern of Big spinner baits, Jointed believer's and a double cowgirl. Likely trolled in the 2-5mph speed. Will be searching for weed edges near drop offs... Has anyone been out musky fishing on balsam this year? How has the fishing been?
  6. Yup nice fish, and its not over 50.... haha. Great fish.
  7. Just what we need. Less enforcement of the natural resources.
  8. Yes thanks, I should have clarified.
  9. If so take pictures.
  10. Can you shorten the length of the tubes? or replace them with golf club tubes?
  11. Always nice to see some nature when the fish aren't cooperating.
  12. Stable means a brick for paddling... weigh out your decision carefully. Just wear a lifejacket and go for speed.
  13. Yah we found lots of great spots to fish, just couldn't hook into any good ones. I did see 2 that were pretty big, one was 4 pound plus the other a solid 3 pounder. Problem with me and jack's lake is i always see great spots to fish but the fish don't want to cooperate. Shallow, deep, weeds, rocks, wood doesn't seem to matter for me. I know they are in there. One day Jack's... One day you and I will be friends.
  14. Well, I spent the weekend fishing Jacks Lake in search of some monster Bass, and well we got beat up again. We had lots of small 1-2 pounders, no good size, got soaked a few times and got some crazy hot sun. All in all a very nice weekend on the water. While cruising down one of the banks I spotted a deer and took this video.... Check it out pretty cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8oBA_wGRUs
  15. Stay safe everyone and catch some fish. happy canada day.
  16. And I made an instructional video for you aplumma.... As for the injuring part, stand up and run around the room and do this and accidentally hit a desk with your web shooter.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGhkKmeO5RU
  17. Grab 2 pencils, and put one in each hand and make a fist with the pencil stinking out of your fist between your middle and ring finger... Then extend your pinkies and pointer finger and thumb... Now make a web shooting sound while you alternatively extend your hands out one at a time... And pretend the pencil is the webs shooting out of your hand. This tends to impress the girls aged 7-10.
  18. Why not rotate the kawartha lakes for catch and keep and catch and release? One year keep to 5 years release.
  19. funny, but I am gonna call photoshop, those crapper look like they are 12 feet tall.
  20. ok sounds good, I'll be in my black lund SV16, 30 yamaha, trolling motor on the bow. the boat has two gloomis fish on the side, no lund stickers. That goes for anyone els on the board if you are on Jacks and you see me swing by, maybe we can all meet up for a meet and greet barbeque or something one of the days.
  21. Called everyone but miller's I figured it was shut down, ended up booking a hotel in peterborough, will just drive out for day trips.
  22. Thanks, shot him a message.
  23. Anyone know w place for rent this weekend on Jack's Lake? I stupidly forgot it was the long weekend, now desperate to find aplace on Jack's lake.
  24. I am not sure if mine is lead or graphite but I would guess it was about 30 years now and is still cleaning visible. I had the pencil between my fingers with a fist pretending to shoot spider webs. I turned around and BAM!!! pencil hit a desk... and stuck into tmy hand. lol come to think of it, it was for sure in grade 2.
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