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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. Honestly, I am a little bit torn on this issue. People should be held accountable for there own mistakes. However I don't think it should be in the form of a fine. I would think some sort of community service would be sufficient. Perhaps like a Fine or X hours of community service. Perhaps a list of "Extreme Danger activities", I don't really know. However people need to be made aware of the costs as well. You can't just go and render services without letting the person know what it will cost. EG...Help I am stuck on an Ice Flow.. We will come and get you and because there was public warnings made about the ice in that area being very unsafe you wil be billed X dollars or X number of community service hours... I really don't know, but to be honest I think alot of people do some things and put themselves and other at risk needlessly and they should be held liable. I just really don't know how to apply that. Its just a feeling I personally have.
  2. Brown left with an upper body injury, He has been playing well and no arguing what Fratting has been doing. Kadri with another solid game and Reimer played well but the goal he let in were a bit squeeky. However he did come up with some big saves so can't really complaign.
  3. haha, even though the leafs are competing much better this year they still get stuck in those sequences wher eyou just know somethign bad is gonna happen. When I played hockey my dad always said he wished he could put a radio in my helmet so he could tell me whats happening on the ice. The leafs need to invest in some of that technology. haha. good game so far though very entertaining. The goals have looked weak but reimer has made some great stops. If he ever figures out that open legs are for girls on the street he will be a great goalie.
  4. What kind of depths? Are you gonne just verticle jig in deeper water for smallies and walleye type thing? If so I would go for a flasher. Down scanners or side scanners are great if you are covering water slowly but if you are trying to finesse stubborn fish while holding a single spot in deeper water a flasher will give you excellent results.
  5. Kulemin is my underdog in the hockey pool. He hustled good on that one. He has been playing well this year, he will get his shots this year I think. OH man komorov fanned on a good chance there. Dang, that was not a good goal. Riemer had time to get up he was too deep and that puck should have been iced.
  6. Great shot by kadri rings the crossbar and the rebound got pumped in. Great presure by kulemin, great shot by kadri. Mclement banged it in... btw the game is on leafstv
  7. Scale or no scale that thing is an absolute monster. You should really consider applying for the IGFA world record for catch and release.
  8. Yep, thats a record man, http://www.ofah.org/downloads/getfile.php?id=PDF/fish/RecordFish.pdf Unfortunatly you need to keep it and stick it in the freezer to qualify.
  9. 8 inches this week on the lake I was on and trucks and cars were blasting up and down the lake. They didn't know this but the ice was cracking and booming all the way across as they drove by.
  10. http://www.uscg.mil/pvs/docs/coldwater1.pdf
  11. Tilt the steering wheel up as high as it will go, the less restrictions you have the better. Or of course the most obvious is to NOT drive on the ice with a car.
  12. If you can get a variety of deep blood red single tails I would buy a some. I keep looking but can never find the right color.
  13. I also have a cumara and a cumulus. The cumara are reall great buys, sensitive, good warrranty and wow are they ever light. I like it far above my loomis gl2, but I think a heavier reel on the loomis would make a big difference. They used to sell them at JB's Fishing Depot near martin grove and 401, not too sure where else I have seen them. I think the cumara's shortest setup is 6'8" a very good overall length. I use a 6' st.croix for skipping or when I am working in tight cover, a 6'6" for jerk baits, otherwise all of my other rods are all 7' or longer. The longer rods take some getting used to but they do offer some benefits. More power setting the hook, a bit more casting distance, I find them easier to control a big fish near the boat and big bass(the 5+ pounders) don't run under the boat as far as they do with a shorter rod. I think over all I would say I am a shimano guy but the warranty issues I have had in previous years hae started to push me away to St.Croix There was a time when all I had was Loomis or Shimano, but now my St.Croix's outnumber my shimano's
  14. I would take a look at the cumulus rods they are super light and very very sensitive.
  15. I have found all of my loomis rods to feel tip heavy, so if you like to keep your tip low they are good. All of the expensive rods will provide good feedback, I would highly suggest you go to a shot that will let you put a spooled reel onto the rod and feel how it feels for balance.
  16. Oh yah, I hear you on that one. I love crappie. One of the best eating fish around. These are PB's for me by about 2 inches. I haven't seen any bigger caught in person before. I have seen pictures of some hogs and heard stories of 16 inchers... I'll be on the prowl for bigger this season. 16 inch's and I might get it mounted.
  17. If they don't get convicted in court by a judge or jury of peers they are not criminals.... Its not up to the arresting officers to determine guilt. jmho. And I don't want to stir the pot. Just saying is all...
  18. I never understood why they ever even made open eye spinner baits. I have a number of spinner baits I never use because of that. If I am fishing for bass in pike or musky water I will run a small leader to help avoid the dread "Plink" break off's. This eliminates the bulk of my spinner bait collection. Super super annoiying.
  19. I picked up a 5x DSI and at first I wasn't happy with it on the ice, but after this weekend it was awesome. I had the transducer pointed the wrong direction. haha. I haven't had a chance to actually do the battery setup I was lookging to do so in the mean time I have been using the 8 D battery rig it came with and the 8 D's lasted all day yesterday from 8am until 6pm. They still have juice so I am not too sure how long they will last in the end but it certainly got the job done, and was fairly fast reacting.
  20. Yep, it'll take about 2 months, plenty of time for you to list some fishing stuff for sale and start putting money away for the new shotgun, rifle and muzzle loader.
  21. I thought judge dredd was the only cop allowed to convict and punish and arrest. I always thought police were to investigate and arrest. Too often people let power go to there heads.
  22. Its part of the code. You want to find it you gotta get out there. If I find a spot I'll take people there blindfolded with a cavity search for gps's. Haha I was trying to get a few pics of them to show the size... The sink shot... And the traditional full size dinner plate shot...
  23. Thanks it wasn't my spot or my lake so I am sworn to secrecy.
  24. Well the first 2013 ice fishing trip was great. The sun was out warn all day, awesome ice and oh yah... a few 14 inch slabers
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