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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. and 25 feet...
  2. My rod rack... 24 rods...
  3. HAHAHAAH OMG check out this twee from Roberto Luongo... His twitter account is strombone1
  4. They won't fight tonight, Philly watched the Habs game. Nice little dispsy doodle from kadri
  5. That guy in the first row behind the bench in the suit is totally wasted. ROFL
  6. Scrivens with a big time glove.
  7. Kadri tipped that third goal, and a great assist on this one.... Bryzzy gettin the hook. Loving it. I hope Riemer just tweaked and did injure anything.
  9. What a rocket.
  10. Haha, can't the coach see how much better tempo the power play has when kadri is on the ice?
  11. Well seeing is believing the lure is an 1/8 ounce eye dropper jig with a medium sized shiner. I bought it and read the reviews after and was dissapointed until I got it on the ice. It is a bit finicky getting it angled properly but once its set its great. You need to get it pointed right at your lure. The beam appears to be very narrow so side to side angle and front to back angle on the transducer is critical. If you can't see your lure its not set right. What I was doing was putting it in the hole, dropping the lure and when the lure was about 2 feet off the bottom, I slowly adjusted the angles until I could see the solid bar and then fished away.
  12. Just a heads up, its on Sportsnet tonight.... http://mapleleafs.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=651246
  13. Yah, it'll be dual purpose for me, I am itching to see what its like on the softwater while cruising, apparently at slow trolling speeds it works awesome. Not alot of options like scroll speed etc... but for the price on the deal, I am very satisfied so far.
  14. Mine took over a month to get, I called in and they had the wrong address. Give them a call.
  15. OK I got one haha 14 flat plano boxes.... Quick bigugli post those 15 perch.
  16. haha, I am sure photobucket is going overtime. I am going through all of mine, I have a bunch of higher numbers all ready... couldn't find a 14 though
  17. yah and I'll be able to provide sleeping quarters for 30 people, haha
  18. Hey thats not 12, I see 15?
  19. or 12 lures from the ad on this board...
  20. haha dang, had a pic with 11 crappie. thats a good one... someone has to have a 12" perch picture
  21. Some real nice fish here, I bet number 50 is gonna be real popular. Of course the first one to post the right number keeps it the others have to edit it out. gotta be quick on the trigger if you have a good number.
  22. Or a 100 hp outboard....
  23. It has to get creative when you start getting into bigger numbers....Lets see how high it can go
  24. Ok fine so I am obviously bored to tears today.... But it is official, I am a redneck, I have more portable shelter square footage than living space. My condo is 817 sq feet, and I have 1007 square feet of shelters...My portable shelters are 1007 square feet. Gazebo 17x15 255 Tent 1 21x17 357 Tent 2 19x12 228 Tent 3 8x8 64 Fish Hut 8x6 48 Hunting Blind1 5x5 25 Hunting Blind2 6x5 30 1007 I mean heck this doesn't even get into tarps or tree stands.
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