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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. 3 pound smallie on an ultra light would feel like a 50 pound musky.
  2. Well seriously did you expect them to even get a point against the Fins Defense? I mean seriously, the fact that they put up 10 points with only 50 yards rushing and 116 yards passing is pretty good. The bills are nowhere this year. They should come to Toronto for good and join the rest of the Bum teams here that don't make the playoffs.... Leafs(god only knows, must be at least 4 or 5 now), Raps(2 years out), Toronto FC(4 years out), Blue Jays(4 or 5 years now?), Argos(2 years I think) Don't get me wrong I live in toronto and bleed every color of every franchise and watch almost every Leafs and Raps game, but man the Bills would make a great addition...
  3. You would think the pool with come with a few Attendants.
  4. I have a 16 foot lund, 48" 55pound 12Volt Minkota maxxum, batter lasts a full day of bass fishing with juice to spare.
  5. a big giant musky with some perch swimming on top of it.
  6. Fin fan here, but always liked farve so I am rooting he tosses 300 yards tonight.
  7. I wouldn't mind catching a genetically altered 200 pound musky.
  8. So two comments. I am picking The vikings tonight... And did anyone hear if Tom Brady was being chased down the road by a woman with a golf club when he got in the accident?
  9. I don't care what the americans do to there water. We got the best water here. If they are doin somethin that wrecks my fishing its time to go to war. So if those yankee scum know whats best they better get to fixing this mess they created..... MUAHAHAAA JK of course. Anytime anyone puts effort into fixing a problem it cant be bad. Good work you southerners.
  10. Was out fishing with my kids on the credit river near caledon a month ago, and three teenagers, stole our camera. I know this because it was sitting on our cooler, the teens were fly fishing, and we thought nothing of them then all of a sudden they got real quiet and left. Not thinking much of it we carried on, I went to take a pic of my kids and vioala no more camera. I remember what they look like and if I see them again I am gonna say something. Also had my minivan stolen out of our driveway one night, golf clubs, fishing gear and carseats all gone, allong with the passenger window and ignition.
  11. Its a shame because the lake is so big with so much baitfish I would think that it could really produce monster world record type musky. I mean look at all those big bass they could eat.
  12. Thanks, I think I do remember reading about it now. Not sure why it came across my mind, but its just one of those things. Good to hear they are working on bringing them back.
  13. Hey just wondering if there is any Musky in Simcoe? I haven't ever heard of anone catching musky on Simcoe just wondering. It would seem if the got a foot hold there they would get enormous with all the perch in the lake to feed on.
  14. 2011 Grand cheroke comes in at 4800pounds curb weight, 100 pounds off of most 1500 sized pickups, they are no lightweightsits amazing a semi unit body stucture can still support as much weight as a grand cheroke
  15. Could be the batter has a dead cell or is sulphated and s not holding a full charge. COuld be your alternator is toast and could be that you have an electrical leak somewhere in the car. Start by Giving the battery a full charge while not connected to the vehicle(at least overnight on the charger) let it sit for a day(still not connected to the vehicle and test the voltage it should still be roughly the same as what it was after you charged it. If not its likely toast, you can take it to CTC and they will test it for you. If the battery if fine, test the alternator. The easy way is to start the car and while its running disconnect the battery, if the car stays running the alternator is likely fine, if it shuts off when you disconnect the battery your alternator is likely toast, take it off and take to CTC to have it bench tested If the battery holds a charge and the alternator apears to be working, your in for a long haul to find out the problem, check the glove box, doors, turnks, radio cig lighter to see where the draw is coming from. As for how long a battery will last, I have had a battery sit for a year and still start a car. but yah if your going to let it sit for a long time I would disconnect it. You could always get one of those trcikle charger solar panel things and leave it connected to your cig lighter.
  16. I just tie everything straight on the line unless its spinner.
  17. People that say all allmunim boats leak are either selling a leaky one or are defending there own leaky one. I have had leakers and I have had ones theat never leaked a drop. If your going through the work get it done right and have a good guy fix them for you and check them all out. Last thing you want to do is tear it all apart and then just do it all over again.
  18. Your not comparing apples to apples. If you take a set of AT, Snow and MT tires all the same size. I would rather have MT's personally. Obviously if you take a big wide set of tires veruses skinny tires the skinny ones will penetrate to hard pack. but thats not what the question was about. It wasn't about tire size. MTs come in all sorts of sizes from skinny to fat. In packed slushy snow the MT tread blocks will clear when they spin versus the AT's that will just fillup and become a slick. Sure on an Ice covered lake an Ice Radial will be best. but for an all around tire I would go with an MT any day of the week. All terrain is ok at most great a nothing. an Ice Radial is useles off road in deep stuff, Muddy spring snow and dry pavement will chew them to shreds(likely 95% of this guys driving) MT's are the way to go for Big heavy 4x4's. If you want something geared specifically and only for driving on icey roads, definatly Blizzaks are a great choice. If your looking for an all around get you around most places efficiently a Good set of AT's will be fine.
  19. Dude, its a jeep. get some big MT's and be done with it. Never been stuck in anything with the tires on my Grand Cheroke. But seriously though. Winter tires are great but with a Grand cheroke your gonna eat them up in no time on the dry pavement of southern ontario. Just get some good AT's and when the roads are snow covered use 4x4 and drive slower. Even with Really good snows on a big heavy turck like a grand cheroke you are gonna slide. Its not like your trying to stop a toyota corolla. You can't beat physics. You got a big vehicle, drive slow and get some AT's and you will be fine.
  20. The reels are a mix of stradic symmetre curado and quantum high and low speed mostly high speed accept for the frog and crankbait setup. Rods are a mix of stcroix and shaman compre, vrod, clarus and cumara, The defacto all around rod is a 6'6" mh fast action spinning rod. This will do you pretty well for all techniques. However once you start to specialize that rod will quickly disappear.
  21. Here is what I use for bass fishing 7'6" heavy fast for flipping pitching and frogs 6' mh fast for skipping whacky 7' m fast for whacky 7' m xf for drop shot 7' mh xf for spinner baits 6'6" mh fast for tubes 7'mh fast for swim baits 7' m moderate glass rod for crank baits 6'3" mh fast for jerk baits 7' m fast for top water I am missing one I think..... Hmmmm .... Can't remember the last one
  22. Yah likely we would do it on our own, I am just kinda lazy rent now. I was figuring, dig a hole, run a drain mix up cement, rent a quick cut saw and licky split barba trick.
  23. I think it's gonna cost more than we can afford right now. We have a few other things that are gonna take priority. Need to redo the floors on the mainfloor and put in the basement bathroom. We have to sell the Lund first. Has anyone seen or know of a contractor that is looking for a boat? Hopefully I can find someone to do a trade on materials. I can do the work myself, maybe not the basement door part, but I think I can do a fair bit of it.
  24. Where abouts are you? How much can we expect to sink into getting the drawings and permits?
  25. So should I get an engineering stamp first or the permit first? I guess starting on the permit side is the best place to start. The basement itself is pretty high off the ground only about halfway in.
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