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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. anyone know of any cheap outdoor or indoor summer boat storage? Somehwere east end of toronto out to the oshawa/port perry area or up towards newmarket?
  2. I would take Ovechkin over crosby any day of the week. but ove wouldn't be the captain. He would be the number one left winger. He is a goal scoring freak. He needs a mentor, like Federov had in Yzerman and Linden of Bure, before the florida co captain thingy with Paul Laus. The flashy goal scoring russian freaks need a solid North american style player to show them the ropes for a while and keep them in check before they become a better well rounded player. At there current ages and skill sets, I would take ove over crosby. But to be honest with you ANY team would take either one over ANY of the player on there teams. They are hands down the two brightest most tallented players in the league right now. but yah the caps sure choke on that 3-1 lead. man o man my pool is effed up now. I gotta hope for a Boston or Montreal cup win to even have a chance.
  3. Well I don't mean to start a hornets nest here but, the call on the goal that called back was pretty bogus. He got pushed into Halak by Gill. But none the less they had a whole game to score 2 goals. Halak, won that series for them hands down. Best playoff perfomance for a very long time by a goalie. I hate the Habs, but I need ot root for them now since they work out best for my hockey pool.....err uuuu Go Habs Go....... CRINGE shudder....with shivers up my back. And the reson Gill isn't being talked about is because if they didn't call that goal back Gill would have been booed out of town for pushing the washington guy into Halak and causing them the series. He played solid but man oh man I bet he was shitting in his skates for a few seconds til they called the goal back.
  4. Yep they are good rods and thats a good deal. If you break it you can upgrade to a better one and pay the difference. I broke a convergance and got a new compre for 40 bucks or something like that.
  5. Hey rude, that wasn't the lake I found a new one. We wouldn't have made it into this one with the snow unless we had sleds.
  6. well there was definatly pain. Thank god I have good boots, my fishing partner said his feet are killing him. I told him make sure you have good hiking boots, but he showed up with waterproof construction boots. He is regreting it now thats for sure.
  7. Well, so the day started out at about 3:30am, like all good trout days. Woke up and snuck out of bed..Started looking for my clothes I had stashed away, and I couldn't find them. I woke up my girlfriend after scouring for abot 20 minutes in the dark so not to wake her. She says,"oh those old jeans? I through them in the wash they are in the dryer..." Thinking, crap they were already washed, but I say "oh thanks babe, go back to bed" I open the dryer, and they are soaked. I go back and say the dryer never got turned on, where are all my other pants? she says oh I washed them too. crap, now I am searching for something to wear and finally find some pants to throw on..Man o man, its now 4 oclock and I have to meet the other guy at 4 oclock and he with 20 minutes drive. I send him a text and say I am on my way and run out the door. We meet up and start the long drive up to Lost Lake. We make a few pit stops, for lunches and breakfasts and get to the trail head at 7:30. Later than we had hoped but not a big deal. Its a long hike in with our day supplies and canoe.to be exact its about 6.3km's portage. about halfway in at a flooded creek we meet up with a group of guys coming out, they said the specks are hitting good good and most of there group limited out. we shoot the crap for a bit and then we cary on. We get to the lake by about 9am, we made amazing time but the trail was brutal and the lots of deadfall. I was crawling with the canoe on my head under several trees. I sure wish my partner opted for the aluminun gunnels, because at 55lb's that canoe was really starting to hurt atabout the 5km mark. Anyway, we get to the lake, do a quick check of our gear, and head out on the water. We paddle the lake for a bit scoping things out getting a feel for the depth. He casts a few times and as do I. Nothing really happening so I see a nice little section of the lake that looks good. On the wind swept North East side of the lake. We drop anchor and I toss my little rig out on the water. WHAMMM!!! fish on. first realy cast of the trout opener and within second my partner lands a nice 16" brookie for me. With my heart pounding, I toss another worm on my setup and cast it out to the same spot, with my eye on my partner getting the stringer out, BAMMM!!! fish number 2 another 17 incher. He doesn't even have the first one on the string yet and I got another one in the boat. He looks at me and says "Dude save some for me ok" we laugh and put them on the stringer. I make another cast and BANG!!! smack another one now he says "what the hell are you using gimmie one of those" I toss him one and he ties up and we cast together. BANG BANG double headerI got 4 on the stringer he has one. This is unbelievable. I cast another one and BAM> 5 fish in 5 casts in about 10 minutes. this one got off while he was trying to land it as we didn't have a net. Now normally a lost fish at the boat is a bad thing but it was just like well I'll just cast again and hit anotherone. I make my sixth cast and yep you guessed it WHAM!!! 6th fish now my fifth on the stringer in 6 casts. So now its been about 15 minutes and I pinch the barbs on my hooks and start doing some catch and release. my partner ended the day with 6 landed, 5 on the stringer, and I landed 15 or so, and lost many out on the water as I didn't have barbs.As we are leaving I am burning my lure in and its hanging off the side of the boat as I reach for my paddle and wham for good measure a beuatiful 22" bright red speck nearly takes my vrod for a swim. Laughing all the way back from the 5 hours of amazing fishing we come back to the portage and pack up and start the long long portage back tot he car. When we get back about 2 hours out. We are in serious pain from the extra weight of the fish. A pair of guys come out behind us about 10 minutes later as we are loading up. They ask us if we were with the group that was in the red truck, we said no but we think we talked to them when we were on the way in. The guy said yah we saw them cutting off some bobbers this morning as they were headed out, and turn out they were using minnows. A big no no on this lake as its a no live bait only worms allowed. We were a bit pissed as the guys were bragging about how good they were fishing saying how they were all using a black and yellow spinner and blah blah blah. I sure wish we had there plate number. Oh well what can you do I mean on this lake you could do no wrong it seemed although we were the only ones that had fish jumping in the boat, but everyone we chatted to caught fish. Well what an opener, I couldn`t ask for more. My partner was extactic and Lost Lake truly panned out for us. Even though my shoulders are still hurting it was definatly worth it. The biggest we kept was two 19`s the rest all about 16, and weighing between 1.5 and 2 pounds. I hope everyone out there had a most amazing journey like we did. Thanks to the folks that offered up some brookie advise, although I ended up using our old technique from the early 80`s it was much appreciated, and now I have a nice collection of unused spinners and cranks. I am sure if I tossed them we would have caught some too. Here is a
  8. We don't eat fish we catch, minus a some crappie and walleye. not really into the snot rocket fishing either. I would rather go for musky if I am going for something like that. The kids will be happy enough to hook into a few bass.
  9. Sounds good, I'll have to poke around a bit and see if we can find a place to rent. I may not need a boat rental place, might be going down to yankee land to pick up a boat in the next week or so.
  10. I am gonna be staying on Chandos Lake for the Bass opener with the kids this year and was wondering if anyone has any info they might be able to share. Hoping to get into some smallies I heard they dominate the loake over the buckets. Also if anyone has a cottage for rent or know a place that rents on the lake that would be great. PM me if you want to keep an info on the down low.
  11. If there has even been a use for a potatoe cannon here is one for sure.
  12. Well what do you guys run on your crankbait rods for bass? I just picked up a 7' MojoBass Crankbait rod and it'll be used with a curado. Just wondering about the line. I am thinking 10-12 pound florocarbon. It looks like most people don't use braid on the crankbait setups do to the stratch. Any input on poundage or brand?
  13. Is the yellow power pro on sale as well or just the green?
  14. The woman that was throwing a stick to her dog about 20 feet from us in our boat this past weeekend. I think she was doing it on purpose because we were fishing out front of her cottage. Oh well she learned her lesson. We decided to switch over to practising for duck season, and pulled out a box of clays and the 12 guages. JK of course, but the thought did cross minds.
  15. Hmm sound slike I better get lifted in with a helocopter. I have some nice worm harnesses, Floating ones that I rig with a lingy rig sinker and slow trol with a worm for walleye. would that same rig be good for trout?
  16. Thats great info thanks. I have a few smaller cranks, and I'll throw in some of the slip bobbers as well. I'll be sure to post a few pictures if we manage to get into some. I was thinking about bringing some flies with us and use a few small split shots on the line so we could cast them. Has anyone tried that? We will be using spinning gear.
  17. Ok, so I am gonna go for a 1 day trip into a small lake that is known for good speckle trout fishing but I haven't been for specs for so long I am not sure what I should bring? I was gonna just bring a spinning rod and some spinners, maybe a few casting spoons etc... We were gonna canoe around and cast, maybe slowly troll, and fish the feeder creeks into the lake from shore. Any tips would be a big help. We are going on April 24th for the day.
  18. Treid chemong, for a bit but it cooled right off only small ones were hitting. Gonna try some of the other lakes this weekend, Scugog or rice may be a better bet.
  19. I have had my fun with them snot rockets, and I have even eaten a few, but they sure are annoiying when your in a Bass Tournament.
  20. Yah 80pd braid is what goes on my musky rods, minimum is 50 pound and thats only for finese fishing for musky with 125 pound floro leaders
  21. Have heard good things about suffix, but never used it. I just went to yellow power pro on a few rods this year to see how it works for Bass.
  22. He must be perch fishing with 80lb braid.
  23. One less pike is 10 more bass. I say kill em all.
  24. If you are staying away from shimano(not sure why but your choice) I would look at a Quantum PT Tour PT705F. This is a 7 foot, Medium Power, Moderate Fast action. This rod also has a lifetime warranty. Get some 15 - 20 pound braid and spend every last nickle you got on a reel. A Shimano DPV would be a great combo, but if your looking elsewhere Maybe a Daiwa Zillion but I think they are all 7:1, and with crank baits a lower ratio is a bit easier to use. A steez 103 Would be great but pretty pricey, a daiwa Advantage may also work well, but I haven't bothered used any of the daiwa baitcasters.
  25. The quantum looks cool, I was gonna try it out for the looks. I guess I'll have to go down and check em out first hand. I think the spinning reels in the 50 - 70 dollar range have really improved in quality. I can feel the difference between my stradics and the other cheaper ones but its not like it used to be.
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