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If its still visible and you can hook onto it its not too bad but if its deep it may involve divers and its gonna get pricey.
Trial begins for man accused of targeting Asian anglers
jedimaster replied to Spiel's topic in Fishing News
Just as an update to this old thread, the guy got 2 years less a day. Likely he is already out. Not sure on that point though. I doubt anyone hasn't heard people bantering about tipping some asians into the water. I hear it even to this day. Its good to know now that there is much precident for people doing this. If you do it and you get caught your gonna go to jail. Maybe not as long as you should but your gonna get put away. I guess if you're lucky the asian you try and push in might be me and I won't call the cops, I'll just pull out a .45 and bust a cap in your ass. -
Salt licks are also legal, at least they are in the WMU's I have hunted. As for the gun going off accidentally, I doubt that would fly too far. I am all for the rights to fish and for the rights to hunt, but not at the expense of someone elses private property. That doens't mean I think this guy should get off but, I certainly don't think badly of him for doing so. I do think badly of those fishermen for trespassing just to fish on a guys private pond.
A guy in Gravenhurst got charged with drunk driving while drinking a beer on his riding lawnmower cutting his lawn. I wonder what ever happend to that guy. I know it went to court I remember it being in the papers up there.
No one really knows, but like I said they have been nothing but bad press in the areas where they have been released. A freind of mine has some property where they roam up near bancroft and although I haven't seem them he said hehas driven right up to them on his tractor and they just keep munching away. I would think a few years of hunting and there will be stampedes everytime they see, smell or hear a human. All I can say is that if a tag comes my way I would be happy. I will just choose to operate under the ignorance that the MnR has good reason for opening the hunt.
Would you feel differently if your kid was driving your car and he got pulled over for doing nothing because a cop randomly came across this bad dudes name registered to your plate, and the cop pulled out a shotgun and pointed it at your kids head through the window of the car? Lets compare apples to apples here. You got pulled over when you were breaking the law, and got held up for a few minutes while you waitied peacefully in your car for your ticket.
I bet this thread would have a different tone if the two kids had of been gang bangers and both had guns, and while the cop had his side arm pointed at the one the second pulled out a .45 and dusted him in his tracks and left him for dead on the street. As I have maintained it just sounds like poor judgement from the begining, and certainly worth reporting as such. Reporting it may even save this cops life one day.
Last I checked baiting deer with various things like scent, salt licks, apples, apple cookers, cmere deer, acorn scent etc... was all legal, minus the use of Real animal products like Urine. I would suggest you read the regulations and check for yourself. As in this fellas case if you were tresppassing on my property, and the police were doing nothing about it, then if I asked you to leave and you didn't or cussed me out whitch is very likely, then the next qweek you came back, most certainly there would be a confrontation of some sort. Its not like this guy was sitting up in a tree waiting and baiting the fishermen with a sign saying, "poachers come fish my property"
Sorry for the hijack but what did they charge you to refurbish?
I really didn't want to post a story but I was selling one of my boats one time and he wanted to go for a test drive, so I said sure, just gotta go grab an extra lifejacket, he said don't worry about it. I said oh yah we need it, lots of cops out on "Lost Lake" lately. He said nah we won't have any problems as he pulled out his opp badge. I said ok, suits me fine, I'll grab one for yah any way and toss it in the locker. Not a big deal I guess but this is the arrogance that I have come to accept as the norm with police officers. We actully became aquaintances and I talk to him once in a while. Sure hope he doesn't see this. I may get in trouble... haha jk..."Peeks over my shoulder" The free pass attitude doesn't bother me as much assome real concerns I have over Law Enfourcement, but it is a bit annoiying. I think this thread has turned a bit into a cop bashing sesion here, versus the original intent of What should I do...
This is more than likely a result of all the bad press thats been generated by tthe Elk destroying farmers crops and fences versus creating a sustainable Elk Population. Elk have proven to be very destructive. Where a deer will hop a fence an elk heard will just walk through it. Its been a disaster for certain people. I will be an eager Tag applicant when the time comes. I think I may go pick up an Elk call and start practising. But from what I heard they are very tame and you can walk right up close to them before they run away.
Would you be scared any run away from me if I pulled a gun out and fired a shot across your bow? There are many reasons I would choose to scare off a bear while I was deer hunting...like perhaps because if a bear was licking my salt lick I highly doubt I will get a shot at a deer. It doesn't sound like you are a hunter.
A hunter doesn't scare off a bear because he s scared, he scares off a bear because he doesn't want to kill it. Even when fully capable of doing so. If I was feerful for my life I would put a round through it and not just chase it off. I would much rather hear about ahunter scarying off a bear with a warning shot than one putting a round through it.
The reason that the media puts things in the light like this for the same reason this topic has more replies and views than any other started on this "fishing" forum. Police in Ontario have shown over and over why they aren't trusted by a good portion of the population due to a missuse of power and poor judgement. I too was in the military for 7 years, and have considered a career in law enfourcement. I have several friends in the OPP, and they are the reason why I wouldn't care to be associated profesionally with any of them. Good guys to hang out with for a beer but not a group I care to live my life with. Its not because of the dangers they face, I would gladly face those dangers if I felt like I was able to serve my duties with the ideals of doing the right thing. Its not like they are forced into servitude, they choose to be police officer's. Just like they choose how to act and react to situations like this and the thousands of other situations that defy reason, only a very small percentage of what get brought out into the limelight. The fact of the matter is this cop was way out of line. Pulling a gun was not warranted based on what information we have heard here. To infere otherwise is disrepectful of what this young lad has said, and I commmend him for the way he brought up this topic. I could rittle off many reasons as to why I personally have no respect for police officers, but this would be an entire tangent of this thread. Its not that I think all are bad folks, just every one I have had the pleasure of encountering, many times in a time of need. I am not just angry because I got pulled over for speeding, but my reasons are pretty justified, and have resulted in a suspension of two officers. In the end, this kid should talk to his parents, and go down to the station and file a report. I would hope that he police officer would be reprimanded. In the end the most thats likely to happen is it would be mentioned in an informal way over a pint after work by this cops superior and they woul dbe laughing about it the whole time. I say this knowing several officer and hearing the stories about how things are run (goes back to my point why I choose not to be an officer) Police, military and politicians are paid to be servants of the public. For the most part they go about there days without any repructions of wrong doing. By there superiors in some instances yes, but not to the public for whom they serve. When you get scrwed at canadian tire or bass pro or whatever retail do you not complain to the store and to clerks? Of course you do. Sometimes even yo umay write a letter to head office. That is your forum for complaint. The media is the publics forum for complaint with regards to the public sector. Think of Brian Burke and Ron wilson, John Fergusun the media is how these folks also get held accountantable. And just as was said and commended "If you don't like it stand in front of them" I say "If you don't like the media scrutinizing your mistakes, feel free to step down"
I believe in this case this kid was standing in front of him.
Its against the law to transport a live game fish. Our science teacher in highschool got charged by the MnR, right in our class when I was in school. We had a big fish tank with rockbass and pan fish from a local pond we caught. I believe if you want to keep them you need a permit and must be inspected by the MnR. Of course if noone finds out I guess you can do whatever you want. I have seen videos on you tube of a guy with a baby musky in a fish tank. that doesn't make it legal though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsBr_RID18U
Check you tube.. yo umay already be the next Rodney King with 10,000,000 hits....
I thought the musky in simcoe were on the incline over the past little while?
hmm, so throwing him a sucker punch in the gut is a no no? JK of course. Although I pay very close attention to obeying the law I have long since lost almost all respect for the police. This is another example of why.
Wonder if they will also help with the musky rehab?
I would file a complaint, or better yet have your parents file a complaint. Situation sure didn't sound like it warranted have a weapon drawn, unless of course you were doing something to warrant it. Only you know that. If I was leaning up against my car minding my own business and had a gun pulled on me I would file a complaint the instant he turned around.
Just cause you got money doesn't mean you got brains.
That is very far from true, I have often used a shot to scare off a bear while deer hunting... a gun shot is not always for the use of hitting and destroying a target as you so eliquently put it. I am sure if he wanted to he could have grabed his 30-06 and put a bullet between the eyes. The intent as outlined by the judge was to chase them off his property, he had no intent on destroying them.
This is where the laws falls short in Canada. Come on my property blatantly breaking the law and you will get the same treatment. You know damn well a call to the OPP is going to do nothing, same with a call to the MnR. These guys knew they were trespassing and knew they shouldn't be fishing on his property. I am not saying the guy should get off, he too should expect to be penalized for his actions. But these two morons should have there fishing licenses taken away, and be severely fined for poaching and tresspassing. The reality is noone here knows what actually happened, likely he went down and said get off my property, the two punks probably told him to go F himself, he went back grab the shotty, loaded it with bird shot and fired around in the air and the two punks took off. Both are at fault and both should be sentanced. The difference is the two fishermen in this case started the whole incident by breaking the law in the first place so they should be dealt a stiffer sentance.
Ice Breaker Operations on the Severn Sound
jedimaster replied to irishfield's topic in General Discussion
you mean like this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wM-K63hGgo