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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. I have gone the Iphone route for about 6 months now and I miss my blackberry. If you are in touch with your email and your blackberry. You will go through severe withdrawl's when switching to an Iphone. I would seriously dumpe this Iphone 3Gs for my bold 9700 in a second...If of course my Blackberry was still with me..
  2. It would be interesting to watch the teachers pension plan sweat it out and throw 700 million in the garbage. Hahaha
  3. If you had 2.3 billion in the bank. And you knew you wouldn't be allowed to buy something that you wanted. How much would you throw into the pot just to piss them off given that the going rate is 1.3 billion? I would honestly toss in a cool 2billion just to piss them off.
  4. A team can be both succesful and unsuccesful with having a "Good" owner. A bad owner that keeps putting money in and hires a good GM is fine by me. A Bad owner that sticker there nose in running the team is not so great news. I don't particularly see Rogers as a good owner. Look at the other franchises they own...how great are they? How many penants have the Jays won under the Rogers brand? I hope RIM buys the leafs. Then we would have a true hockey fan own the leafs. Don't forget Jim has 2.3 billion sitting in the bank.
  5. We all know that this is going to Rogers. Its just a matter of time. TSN and CBC wil be up the creek for coverage. I am sure Bell is not happy about this either.
  6. My iphone bumped up 2 hours ahead.
  7. Some rain suits absorb water, some just repel. i have a BPS gortek one and it keeps you dry but your suit stays soaked. I have a wetskins and it repels the water on the outside and also stays dry. I prefer the wetskins one over the GPS gortek one.
  8. 7' for bass has become standard as above accept for jerk baits, top water and dock skipping. The longer rod will increase casting distance, give more leverage to pull big big out of the weeds and trees and help to control fish at the boats when they try and run under the boat. I am not too sure what rods if any are available in 2 piece 7 footers. It also depends on what type of fishing you are going to use the rods for...
  9. May also depend on where you are as well. The agent told me I am on the edge of there DSL coverage, so I will only get 2Meg service but right now we have the light version from Bell anyway, so 2 meg for us is an upgrade, and unlimited use, and cheaper so its a win win win for us. I am on Biscayne, where abouts are you? North or south of that?
  10. Whats your SSID
  11. wow 19? Forget that. I always say it every year that I will not be going next year but I always go. This year I am definatly not going. That 35 bucks of lures in my pocket instead this year for sure.
  12. I am in Keswick and teksavvy told me it is active in newmarket. We are switching this month to tek savvy. P.S. tell them you are in georgina, Keswick doesn't show, Georgina covers the whole area.
  13. This thread isn't so much about the hit and the incident, but more of the whole crimnal charges in the NHL... And no diverging into the crazy coincidence of the Mertuzzi/Moore stuff. I just find it amazing that the stories are so remarkably similar. Here is an article from Tuesday morning its was a vancouver article so probably almost at the same time or shortly before the Chara incident. http://sports.nationalpost.com/2011/03/08/bertuzzi-moore-case-drags-on-seven-years-later/ Remember the moore Saga? bad hit on naslund, not much redemption the game after. then the third game after bam... Moore with a fractured vertibae. Still no trial yet on the bertuzzi moore saga. this one coul dtake equally as long I would guess.
  14. I am really on the fence about the whole thing. one minute I think it was not too bad of a hit the next minute I think it was bad. I dunno. I just think when you have as many people outraged including the victim, something has to happen. Did you guys read what pacioretty said to bob mackenzie? it was pretty flaming. Not too sure of all the procedure involved though. Does anyone recall how long it took before charges were laid from when the police started the investigation on Bertuzi? did some googling... March 8th 2004 was the bertuzi punch, he was charged on June 24th... another article said it was a 4 month investigation. ummm wait a minute. the bertuzi punch was on March 8th and the Chara hit was on March 8th.... very weird
  15. Thats the one thing I hate about lebaron, the fishing selection is very poor. and I hate the setup they have for the rapala hard body baits. I like to pick them up and let them sparkle in my hand before I buy them. The last thing I wanna do is stare at them through a glass case.
  16. So we all now accept that everyone has different opinions of the hit being dirty, or clean, or suspension valid or not... but now that there is a criminal investigation... http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=357361 I don't know how much weight this will hold though. In bertuzi's case it was an obvious punch to the head. This is so fine edged of a normal run of the mill hockey play its gonna be hard to say what will happen here. Do you guys think the police will lay charges? Right now its an investigation no charges yet. I think there is enough outrage and public outcry that charges will be laid.
  17. The reality is he rode him out of the play in a dirty interference hit. He got a penalty and a game misconduct. Thats about what is to be expected from that hit. If it was on the other side of the rink I doub't he would have even got a penalty. Its very unfortunate he got hurt, but I don't think the league can go and hand out suspensions for Interence plays. It was dirty yes, but he got the penatly for the late hit. It wasn't a suspendable hit. But the result was very very unfortunate. I am sure the March 24th game in Mtl will be a blood bath for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if chara is a healthy scratch.
  18. Well there it is decision has been handed down, no suspension for the hit.
  19. I don't think he is gonna get a big suspension. In fact he may not even get one at all. The media have already dismissed this as a normal run of the mill rub you out of the play and finish your check with a very unfortunate ending. Yah he rubbed him out, yah he probably rubbed him out into the turnbuckle on purpose but its been done a billion times before and never been suspendable. I doubt he will get anything more than a 5 game suspension. My guess is he will not even get a suspension.
  20. All the analysts are calling it a clean finish to a check. I have to disagree. It looked like from the play chara looked up to the boards before he ran his forearm up and gave him the extra push.
  21. Yah you know after seeing the replay a few more times it really looks like chara gave him an extra run with the forearm into the pillar on purpose. I am gonna get off the fence now. Chara should get suspension.
  22. Tough hit. That kinda thing has happened millions of times, gettin ridden into the pillars. I thin I would agree with a suspension and I would agree without a suspension. I am really on the fence about this one. I heard he is moving all his limbs, hopefully he is not too badly hurt. I am sure this hit will bring more blood in the next game. Hope it all works out for this young lad.
  23. I heard you can catch a shark with it.
  24. Every game is gonne be big from here out. Chicago on Saturday. Can't wait. Been a while since I have been this excited about leafs hockey and I watch almost every game every year. Even the leafs tv games.
  25. It really comes down to preference and rod manufacturer. I find the st croix rods are a bit more sensitive so you can get away with a bit heavier rod, but I find the shimanos are a bit stiffer in the backbone so I like those for yankin fish out of cover... It's all about preference. One thing everyone can do when picking rods is to read the info on st.croix website about the mojo bass series. They pretty much lay out every rod and action for bass and tell you why each rod is this or that. Then use that info as a guide to make your purchase, even if it's not a st croix rod the info applies. But when in doubt a mh xf rod is about as all around as you can get. The st croix premier, mojo bass, compre are all very nice rods for the money. My baby rod is the Cumara. That's a bait caster with a curado e7 that I use for finesse jigs.
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