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Everything posted by darsky

  1. http://montreal.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-...QQAdIdZ37702322 any input
  2. did you see what he tried to do to Koivu? Penalty for attempt to injure or boarding would have been the cherry
  3. Any one lucky enough or rich enough to get tickets? Good seats are going for 800-1000 EACH.For 1 ticket you can get a week in the Islands or 2 days with Thorpie.I would take the week.but Thorpie is a close second. WAY WAY out of hand
  4. wow-both on the same day,what're the chances of that?
  5. you would be even happier with the full windshield option-not too late
  6. I just saw the story of the Toronto teen killed by another. Really really upsetting.
  7. Vinigar years ? More like viagara years. So you and Petey share the same birthday ? Are you sure you are not long lost twins? A short one that looks like Rod Stewart and a tall one that looks like Peter Frampton- I've seen weirder
  8. oh the suspense.So what was it and how big??
  9. was just watching the players come out and they look really excited to play out there. Snow coming down and all. Should be really fun to watch. End of the period the losers should scrape-lol
  10. Have a great one Bud-40 is a milestone for some
  11. A bit late but since we were throwing Christmas songs out there........... I always laugh long at this one! http://youtube.com/watch?v=ShhIcFv1AbU
  12. your racist against foreign born players anyways-proved that in the past
  13. here's a big one- I heard that 2 rods per angler on Can side of St Clair. True? If so,me thinks the muskies will not be happy.
  14. PIGS!!!!!
  15. Thanks Guys.Lake Erie....not!!! St Lawrence is not only fer muskies anymore. I will be on these fish until mid nov.
  16. Got out on Wed for a half day to enjoy some awesome Fall weather and hot Fall action before 3 days of rain set in. Was on the water by 11 am and was trolling by 11:15. Water was flat calm with nary a ripple and nary a bite for 2 hrs so out came the tubes and a casting we went. Mid lake sand patches and rock/weed areas were still holding fish even tho' the calender confirmed it was indeed October 10. These fish "should" be out to the depths by now but luckily for us all they are still around and hungry. Any hooked bass brought up a school of buddies and it was quite easy to double up. We picked of a half dz up to 4 lbs in the blink of an eye. In another blink they were gone. Decided to drop some lumber down and troll. Sure enough a zinging sound confirmed there was at least one muskie in the lake that day. After a nice tussle a very pretty St Lawrence spottie was aboard. She measured around 45 inches and must have been in the 23-25 lb range. Switched it back up to smallies and fished a shallow sand flat that dropped sharply into the abyss. Another pod was hanging off the drop and 4-5 chunkies tasted steel. Headed back to the launch around 4:30 to end a spectacular mid week day. As usual-pics to follow.
  17. Great fish.Thats a tough pose-try it with 4 big ones and you'll likely NEVER forget it!!
  18. you are the King of Qc shore fishing Mike. Whats with the t shirts? Twas crisp out there today
  19. hey-I recognize that underwater spot!!!!
  20. Had the pleasure of spending the other day on the water looking for the Fall migrating smallies on the St Lawrence near Montreal. Every year as the water starts to cool they move in from the nearby rivers and begin to school. Everyone knows how competitive schooling smallies are. Well-they are beginning,but not in full force yet. We used tubes mostly and mixed it up with some on jerkbaits too. Close to 40 or so bass were had with most in the 1-2 lb range with about a half dz between 3 and 4 lbs. The big ones are not quite ready yet with the temps being between 65-67f. Hundred fish days are possible in these areas with many,many going between 4-6 lbs.Can't wait!! With the afternoon major coming at 4pm we decided to drop a few rods down and troll for the other fish that counted that day. Zero boat traffic gave us the river to ourselves and we anticipated a bite. Not to be disappointed,the rod with the wire line started to zing 30 minutes in. I don't particularly like the fight on wire but this fish gave me a tussle making me think it was a good one. Got it to the boat and was surprised to see the lack of length on this fish. The width made up for that. This 40-42 inch fish must have gone close to 23 lbs. I have caught a few muskies like this recently all between 40-43 inches but built like tanks. I love fall fishing. A few pics to follow
  21. WICKED.....but your fingers are too close to the hooks in the second pike pic. Just one shake and......... well you know.
  22. I concur
  23. something about that boat looks familiar.......could it be?
  24. shalom and have a good year. sorry.......can't move............too full.............oy vey
  25. Just something to add......take note on the health of these fish. No split fins,very minimal redness on all fins.These are all indications that very minimal stress was imposed on the fish. On top of that,they didn't just swim off-they bolted. I applaud Marc's release and handling methods,second to none.If anyone here will have the privilege of fishing with him take notes on how he handles the fishies.
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