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Everything posted by FieroLuke

  1. Nice, well I know what I am doing tomorrow morning, time to head to my local fish ladder and snap some pictures. I love seeing steelies doing their acrobatic migration.
  2. Congratulations! There's no greater joy than a "little" addition to the family.
  3. You have a PM
  4. FieroLuke

    Cuddle Up

    Nics pics, didnt really expect that from pigeons
  5. Thanks Chartreuse sure is a popular colour this year, working well for a lot of the guys I talk to on various tribs, worked well for me too.
  6. Nice I see two cams and im guessing those black chunks of oil are the cam retainers or rockers? I cannot tell through the sludge. My mechanic buddy took apart a car that ran quaker state as one of you guys mentioned, it was incredibly gummed up. I stay far away from that oil. My 2010 TDI daily driver gets dealer oil changes, I priced it all out and it just wasnt worth the effort to do it myself and they usually do the recalls, wash it etc. The summer car(s) I do it myself, nothing like being able to do a full synthetic oil change for under 30 bucks I also wouldnt trust too many places since both the cars are from the 80's with engines from the 2000's.
  7. Nice bucks, were you floating, bottom bouncing, or casting hardware? I saw guys casting hardware there last week, had the wife and daughter with me and they were not interested in waiting for me to go find out how they were doing, lol
  8. That's a beast. Second 18lb + brown I saw reported from yesterday. Crazy
  9. And ..... I'll mention that on some tributaries like out east here and I think bronte out west, there was/is an extended season until December 31. The open all year stretches are much more limited in size.
  10. I love steelheading but brown trout are still my favourite by far, beautiful colours both on the fish in the vid and yours. Been a while since I caught a full spawning colour brownie.
  11. I think I've gone a little soft since I have had my first child but I feel a bit sad seeing that big fish dead. I read the article and the laker could be well over 65 years old. Thats quite the fatty
  12. I'll be going to _______ during the week, I like to avoid the crowds. I think the weather will bring out more crowds to any fishable water rather than one remark about a tag. I went to a different trib today and I caught some sunshine and good conversations with other fishermen, there was nothing being caught.
  13. Ugh, glad this thread wasnt my dinner time read. Between the elephant walleye and the parasites I lost any appetite I had. Too bad, that is a nice sized fish.
  14. I was expecting to see a float road looking at the name. I actually examined one at LeBaron's last week while picking up some steelhead stuff (they charge 40% less for stuff like blackbird floats and pinkies than anyone out east here) They look interesting. The reel seat is funky, it works by turning the fore or aft grip (I cant recall, I think it was the fore) . The rapala rods do the same thing but with a different grip. Looked nice and comfortable but I wondered whether there would be a gap between the cork and seat depending on how long the foot of your reel was.
  15. Nice fish, makes me hopeful for tomorrow. Actually looking forward to having to work in Toronto next week, maybe I'll finally get that bigger river trip I have been trying for a few weeks.
  16. Do yourself and everyone that loves you a favour and get yourself a used set of steelies. They will cost you about the same as a reasonably safe set of spacers. There are many reasons not to run spacers like not losing hub concentricity, compromising stud strength, adding unsprung weight, and not risking an accident.
  17. Twocoda, same happened to me except in reverse, I was about to get out for the closer of my favourite stretch and my real estate agent called me to tell me it was only 38F in my house in the kawarthas. I spent 12 hours there, got home just before new years
  18. Good job Is it me or does that fat hen look like a squaretail. I swear that looks like a fresh brown trout hen. The tail is a bit folded so I cannot be 100% sure Either way, beauty fish!
  19. LOL thanks for the chuckle
  20. Only a registered business can sell it from what I understand and then I believe it has to be bought from a fish farm and not wild caught. Not only is it illegal but that price is also a rip off. You can buy legal roe for a lot less than that at some local online fishing stores.
  21. Congrats on breaking the ice Nice fish, was a nice day today for it.
  22. Looking at those teeth only one name comes to mind "Cletus" Looks like you had a nice trip and some awesome fishing this year.
  23. All very good tips It also matters where you start your drift and how far you drift. You want to do it so that your bait stays in the strike zone as long as possible. Thats why center pin/ float reels are so popular. You will also over time learn to read the water, where you start your drift and which part of the pool/ current you are drifting will make a big difference. Starting 6 inches over from the sweet spot in some cases will mean that by the time you get to the part of the pool where the fish are holding your bait could be 2-3 feet to the side and a foot too high caught in swirling current. A good way to learn is to go out when the water is clear and practice drifting a variety of pools with different depths and speeds. Use a bright version of the bait you normally use and wear a pair of polarized glasses. Drift the bait through different parts of the pool, look at what the bait does in them. Start the drift at the top of the pool by the bank and work your way out see what it does. Then start a foot further downstream and do the same, its really interesting how small the difference is between a good drift and one that is not even close to being in a strike zone. Water conditions (pea green being my favourite) and levels also make a big difference, checking the weather and hitting the streams at the right time will help increase your chance of success.
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