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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Sorry, but that is Awe haw haw some
  2. And in good faith in regards to the earlier classless vandalizing Hab Fan posts. Heres one to show that theres bad apples on my side of the border as well. Canadian Journalists Car Vandalized
  3. 9-0 in first two games Double Yikes
  4. You mean Pull-the-lizards pride material?
  5. "sweet" = understatement
  6. Didnt catch the whole game, but Yikes
  7. Never put pictures of new ideas on the internet without getting a patent pending lol
  8. Dang, that can is older than me AWESOME trip solo. I know you here this over and over in the responses to your posts. But a backlake brooky trip is something i WILL do someday. I dont have much oppurtunity for them down here in "steelhead ally" so it will have to be a planned out venture for sure. THanks for always taking the time to write up the inspiration
  9. blaque


    BIG misunderstanding..........this was clearly meant to be posted on another forum. As you can see this was directed to "OFC". This is "OFC".......ya see there is a "C" missing. Honest mistake , but sure did get everyones belts tightened!
  10. Hey, there the ones sporting our Red White and Blue. WANNABEES!!!
  11. are these Crips or Bloods? Just kinda sayin.....I cant see the gang sign he's throwin up thru all the rising burnt embers. OH and European man purses must be "street" or "thug" this spring
  12. Im not sure who this is directed at lol, but to speak for myself....I Love RATM lol. Not mocking them, in fact ive always thought its been kinda funny how intense their message has always been yet they're such nice guys. Took me a little while, but I also kinda like (maybe) how they branched into and kinda transformed from RATM into Audioslave. I didnt like it at first, but its grown on me as an admirable thing instead of dragging on and on with the same sound, they grew into something new and different.
  13. Congrats to the Habs..........sincerely, the team looks fantastic. Gonchar, i hope he had a broken leg or something to excuse his indifferent performance. Better board up the local businesses and get the tear gas ready for round three
  14. Ah Heck, ill throw one in too for good measure GO PENS GO
  15. If youve ever seen Tom Morello (RATM guitarist) speak in an interview.......hes probably the least angry individual ive ever listened too lol. Quite a detach from the band name and album cover art LOL
  16. I like how in between periods , Clarissa Thomas (?) from VS asked him about the little exchange of words with him and crosby at the end of the period and he totally played it off and showed respect instead of trash talking
  17. To us americans.....the poster boy for all things canadian hockey , is Don Cherry. He coached the Bruins. Therefore you have a tie-in with Boston. Think of them as your red headed step-team.....your brother in law if you will, and they'll be coming to dinner next round if things go right.......actually you'll be coming to dinner at their house 4 out of 7 times. Bring a dish, it should be fun
  18. Ill have to remember to put some fries in my wading jacket lol
  19. Lead VS Drano.........Lead VS Drano....Hmmmmmmm??
  20. everything in moderation craig. seriously though, does everyone use pliers to pinch on those little BB shot
  21. This surely hits home as i lost my mom what seems to be forever ago, and at the same time it feels like yesterday. I remember being at the University and the Campus Security officer walking into my class and asking for me and telling me i had to go to my grandmothers house, theres been a family emergency and he wouldnt/couldnt tell me what happened. It was the longest 20 minute car ride I'd ever taken. I walked in to my grams house somewhat expecting the sad news of my grandmothers passing.......and when i saw my gram there with other family members waiting for me, just looking at me as i walked in, my stomach dropped into my toes wondering what had happend. My mom, sister and dad were the only ones not standing there......so i knew it was bad. My gram burst into tears and told me in one quick sentence that she barely got out. I was too young to lose her, and she was much to young to go. She was having headaches and had an angeogram scheduled that morning, she didnt tell us kids so as not to worry us and passed in the hospital of a brain annurism. The most heartwrenchingly surreal day of my entire life.
  22. I shot my leader line all the time.........i dont bite too hard on the shot, just enough to get it closed on the line, then i dip it in the water and give them an initial slide in case i need to adjust them later making sure they arent too tight. I mainly use 6 lb flouro leaders and dont remember the last time i snapped a fish off. Ive also pulled out many a hang up with shot on my leader line and had my entire rig returned to me. Not all, but many.....and i cant say that the times i have snapped off were due to over crimped shot. In fact alot of times i get my shot pattern back, and the weak point was at the hook knot. (not enough spit on the knot). I will say that on occasion i sometimes bite the shot too hard and snap lines when doing my test slide just after shotting......but its rare. Having said all that, you probably wouldnt get away with this going anything under 6 lb..... I think they should design a shot with a concave face on the inside instead of a straight "pac-man" profile so you can close the shot but then determine how tight it is on your line with bite strength lol
  23. I'm glad somebody said it (as i sit here and sip my Timmies in the office)
  24. Did you check the port-0'-potty..........they may have just been tending to an "emergency" lol
  25. I feel much like DR. Sal...........i never in a millioin years thought I'd ever have an inkling of "root" for Montreal, but this series put it in me SOMEHOW. (i think i puked in my mouth a little just saying that) Fact was......if they won, Ovechkin would go home.......again. Now that Ovechkin is watching hockey instead of playing it, i can now go back to rooting for the Habs to fail miserably
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