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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Darn right, Darcy will just keep on believeing that the team is better than it is. Theyll climb out of it blah blah blah. Lindy and the zombified players post game interviews will keep regurgitating the same vomit after every game about "the system" "gotta keep it simple" "holding our sticks a little tight right now" "gotta get pucks to the net" "need to work 60 minutes" Yada yada yada yada yada yada yada So tired of robot interviews from athletes and coaches. Miller seems to be the only one who breaks that cycle on occasion. He hints at his TRUE frustration, but even he still walks on eggshells most of the time trying to get it out. Dont want to hurt anyones feelings now do we.
  2. Tortorelli could fix that lol, not saying hes a fit for the team but its your boredom im addressing here. Beyond the boredom aspect of ruff, i think i agree a coaching change is needed. I think!!?? Things have gotten stale and bland in that organization and if not ruff, then maybe darcy or quinn.
  3. The big game is coming to your town this weekend. You know, the one where my Buffalo Bills invade your town with awesomeness and intensity. I bet none of you can sleep at night with the Buzz of the NFL coming your way. Sorry, i cant help but be sarcastic about the whole thing. Anyway, on a hockey note........Stand tall leafs fans, my sabres are 3-7-2 after winning the division last year
  4. Double LOL, was staring at these pics and about to say the same thing. Did you lick any frogs by the frozen water ponds?? LOL
  5. Dang, that helicopter encounter is nuts. As far as the rest, i guess that explains why im so naive about the whole float plane thing. Im just a product of my surroundings and like whopper said...... Im just amazed that its that seamless to hop in and go. Dont be flyin any WMD's across that imaginary line now.......uh hmmm......unless your landing in Maine!
  6. Well, im in New York and skip around to alot of lakes and its just not something you see much of down here. I believe ive only ever seen one resident float plane on one of the finger lakes (keuka lake), so 12 seems like alot lol Do you at least have to radio the other local planes in the area that your going up and your whereabouts to avoid close calls, or is it just a keep your eyes open kind of approach?
  7. Hmmm, so its as easy as getting your permission slip signed and hittin the air huh? lol I think i remember the post about your drifting plane, yikes. So is your plane the only one on your home lake? How many water planes are registered and flying around your area? Thanks for the edgumication by the way!
  8. Your vids are always intrigueing irish. Youll have to explain someday how it is you do what you do. As im sure theres alot more to what we watch in your vids and stories than just jumping in a plane and hopping to a backlake. What i mean to say is.........is it as simple as saying lets go fishing and take off? (i can probably answer that by saying obviously not) So what is involved? Do you do diligent weather research till the second you take off to make sure your not going to be stuck on a lake if high winds pick up. Do you have to call for clearances to fly in an area, or to land on any lake. Is your vehicle on radar so someone always knows your whereabouts. Its all very interesting.... to me anyway.... to say the least, and im sure others would like to know what it all entails when watching these cool videos you post up. It cant be as simple as saying "ok, after lunch lets gas up the plane and head out"? lol Yours Truly, Mr. Terrified of flying LOL (only been on a plane twice in my life and it was because i absolutely HAD to)
  9. HAH?! How the heck can those little toothpick legs propel them to swim at all let alone across the lower niagara. Im perplexed, seriously lol Gumption would be an understatement.
  10. BillyBob (he is a member here ya know) is going to be awefully sore you revealed this to the whole forum
  11. Nope............especially if its true that they just moved him to another seat which makes total sense, as they didnt want this guy remaining inches away from the vancouver bench the rest of the night and have something stupid happen. I think the whole thing is kind of funny...........the guy got his shirt grabbed. Its kind of like being at the zoo and getting a little too close to the monkey cage. This kid was too close and he got swiped at lol
  12. Go ahead and double up on that irish
  13. This just may be the tangent of the year 2010 LOL.
  14. Heck..........you can pay that and more for just a cap on your truck bed. This is much more pragmatic and think of the money you'll save at the chiropractor! It pays for itself. These are all lines to use on the wife, christmas is coming!
  15. When i was in 8th grade. One of our field trips was to the county lock-up. I was never much of a trouble maker, but after that day.......it was engrained in me to never become one. Bottom line......i dont believe it's the posters job to pamper or cradle or walk on eggshells in regards to the kid who made the mistake. It is the posters job to do everything in his power to protect HIS kids sitting in their own living room. Hes responsible for teaching HIS kids, and from past threads i can remember.............he knows exactly what hes doing and doesnt need any help in that department. I wouldnt lose a wink of sleep knowing that i did everything i could to remove any fear my kids had of sitting in their own living room to watch cartoons.
  16. I did not "phone for pricing" lol That usually means "we need to get you into a conversation first and give you our sales pitch before we break the cost to you"
  17. Some of you may not know this convenience exists. Ran into it browsing around today. Thought id throw it out there Watch the videos, its pretty slick Rooftop Loader
  18. THeres kind of an unwritten rule on where to navigate when traveling thru the "chute". Problem is, not everyone is local and sometimes dont do thier homework. If im thinking the same as Billy Bob, you can tell just where you should not venture just by the characteristics of the flow above water. Im surprised there arent more issues there with the amount of pleasure boaters passing thru that area. Ive been doing it for 25 years and i still go thru there with white knuckles. Just glad everyone made it off ok
  19. NUTS. I was fishing a small inland lake in western new york about 7 years ago (chautaqua lake) and was out on the water one morning when a Military jet (F-14/15 no idea lol) came down just above the lake and banked hard. At first i was like WOW that was awesome.........and after thinking about if for a bit it kinda ticked me off lol. Not only did he probably shut the fishing off for the entire day, but his look at me stunt could have gone really wrong. I just found it really peculiar
  20. Im quite the nail pounder as well..........sounds like a walleye weekend at solos
  21. This was featured on MSN's homepage today and thought Id post to see if any of the Nippissing locals saw it while surfing today Island
  22. What ever happened with his wife? She looks just as knowledgable as he. Seems like it would beat the "MAN,WOMAN,WILD" show thats on now with Mykel Hawke and Ruth England
  23. So who won
  24. this one looks like more fun
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