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Everything posted by blaque

  1. dont get too cocky just yet, theres still 15-1/2 hours left in the day.
  2. Where'd you hear that? (loaded question hehe)
  3. blaque


    This was an interesting read that seems to touch on the root of the real issue. I am Adam Lanza's mother
  4. Yepper, my neighbor cut his freakin grass today lol
  5. 50, heck they may have trouble gettin back in the country THIS time
  6. How u guys liking this competitive NFL Barnburner. 47-17.....what a game
  7. I love the way you captured the underwater sunlight hitting the bass. You nailed it! Especially the one sneaking out from underneath the dock. Very nice. I do ok with pencil and charcoal etc.....but cannot grasp the concept of paint LOL Dunno how u do it
  8. I love the way you captured the underwater sunlight hitting the bass. You nailed it! Especially the one sneaking out from underneath the dock. Very nice. I do ok with pencil and charcoal etc.....but cannot grasp the concept of paint LOL Dunno how u do it
  9. blaque


    This guy was probably a whiney little turd, always miserable and feeling sorry for himself and his life. Wait till he gets a load of whats in store on the other side........for eternity, with no option for an easy gutless exit
  10. I was up to nippissing a few years back at Promiseland Camp on South Bay. It took a day or two to figure things out but we did and did just fine the rest of the week. It certainly wasnt fast and furious, but it was a great week of R&R and we didnt have any problems having a few fish for dinner a couple times. We did notice an abandoned camp near ours while coming in and out of the bay, and i know shortly after our stay at promiseland that the owners sold it to another couple as well.
  11. This oughtta pull at the heart strings of the players and owners.....oh wait, never mind
  12. Hmmm, Sounds like the tuttles......How did Discovery miss this oppurtunity!!
  13. He has two restaurants now. The italian place (the original) is still in its original location. The new steakhouse is about a halfmile north of that.
  14. Weve created these monsters....no one but ourselves to blame. Theres a bit of a disconnect from reality when you see this kinda stuff: Heres his summer home: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMdEDt-B3O0 Totally "unfair" for a 17 goal scorer last year and 10 the year before.
  15. As a younger guy, i used to work for a competing italian restaurant down the road and if we ran out of anything......We could always make a call to Russ and he would gladly help us out. I would be the guy that would go over and pick up the goods and it was usually Russ who would be waiting for me to help load me up.
  16. Ive used them, and no doubt....they are incredible for doing small prototyping jobs. But they print using a composite material, with a binder to harden it. End result being a plastic type material. You cant print a metal wrench, or an apple to eat lol I think retail stores, the truckin industry and others are safe for a while
  17. I hear ya, the Rodney Dangerfield of our lakes and rivers lol
  18. Soooo, this was on MSN's homepage this morning......thought it may interest some First Living Thing
  19. I remember the first time I saw some of these pics vividly. As chrisk said......these pics will stick with me for a long time. These fish and the scenery seem to be straight outta some fantasy dreamworld lol Stunning report!!! Thanks for showing as its someplace I would have never known even existed
  20. Is the universe infinite, and if not......where does it end. Discuss
  21. I dont know if thats what hes saying......but it sure as heck is what i'm sayin!! Im perfectly fine walking around thinking theres no such thing as aliens, squatches, werewolves, vampires......Oblivion is bliss as far as im concerned in this case
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