Went out again yesterday, it didn't work out well. First I guess ive been spoiled, comfortable spacious huts, warm transporters, great service. Yesterday was none of those things, the huts were small, there's no backrest, the seats were narrow and very little padding making for a very uncomfortable day for an old guy like me. No one bothered to check on us for the entire day, in fact they even forgot to pick us up at the end of the day. We saw transporters come and go had all our gear packed up and ready but no one stopped at our hut. Finally at about 5 we looked around and there wasn't a transporter to be seen anywhere on the lake. We phoned the office and just got a voice mail saying they were closed, so I left a message. Thank God someone did get it because at 79 there is no way I could have walked back to shore. They did send a transporter out to get us but it was almost 6 by the time we got back to shore. Made for a very long day for two old friends, and as much as we love fishing I can assure you that if our regular hut operator isn't available we won't be going again. Oh, and the catching wasn't very good either, can't really blame that on the operator but I got the impression the hut hadn't been moved in quite a while.