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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2024 in all areas

  1. Hi all, After three weeks of ‘tough’ fishing and weather here on Lake Wabigoon things have started to settle down and pick up. Surface temps on the main lake finally hit the 60sF mark around midweek and with it the walleyes hit the humps and my baits. Did some hump hopping for a couple hours the other day and every spot had hungry fish, strangely no slots or overs but after weeks of ‘one fish here, one fish there and move’ it was fun do get some numbers action. The boys and girls in the Dryden Walleye Masters will have zero problems getting their unders today!
    2 points
  2. I wish I had a few of these in my yard. White cherry - Japan.
    1 point
  3. Was all for my love today. Some surf and turf. Mushroom cap escargot, shrimp,tuna salad and that steak. 😆 Tried this upgraded beef from Zhers. That will be my last try. Terrible.
    1 point
  4. I used to have several outdoor subscriptions, even though some articles are more US based InFisherman is the only one I still have. They have the best videos by far as well. Dumped Outdoor Canada after noticing that the main editor was a flaming climate change alarmist, don't know how he kept his job there. Then I decided to go down to one and didn't renew my OOD sub. There's a good article there as well on how largemouth bass are getting harder to catch and studies done to prove how catchability rates are a heritable trait that gets passed on to future generations. A great article on ned rigs too and I'm not even half way through the mag yet. It's worth buying off the shelf IMO. Cheers
    1 point
  5. I should read more… lol. Thanks for that, very interesting.
    1 point
  6. So I'm reading the June edition of In-Fisherman and there's an article titled Walleye Baitfish Patterns You Can't Pass Up by Gord Pyzer. One of the patterns involves using Cisco presentations and not always around the thermocline. "In Wabigoon Lake, Ontario for example, he's found Ciscoes feeding on schools of shiners in shallow waters along shorelines". They also talk about using large swimbaits for lunkers in areas where the thermocline intersects with main lake structure that attracts schools of Ciscoes. Another section talks about huge schools of shiners congregating in shallow sandy beach areas after long periods of calm weather and nailing Walleye all summer long early morning and late afternoon when no one else was fishing those beaches. Soon as the winds picked up however the shiners were gone.
    1 point
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