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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2023 in all areas

  1. I was able to recover some of my pics, not all them but some. They suck though as my computer again wouldn't let me post them on the forum so I had to pull them up on the monitor and take a pic of them, import them into a file then move them to another file in order to post them. So they are grainy. not very clear and the color is washed out, so yeah they suck but here are a few anyway. The first one is a wild horse, coyote of course, then my favorite little buddy came to pay a visit - the very elusive Pine Marten. Unfortunately I only have a head shot of the lynx in the daylight, and I certainly didn't expect to see a skunk way back here sixty miles from any human dwelling or settlement. Anyway I've been at this all day and my little buddy has had to listen to me cussing throughout it all so it's now nap time LOL.
    4 points
  2. Update. Took a ride up to Orillia this morning, first stop Trombly's, hmm, open at 8 for Saturday, 10 on Sundays, must only have "afternoon anglers" on weekends. Rest of the week, it's 9am. Didn't ask how much, didn't want to suffer a Schwarzennegger size tumour. Then off to Fisherman's Cove, docks in, water seems a bit high. There's room to park 8, maybe 9 truck/trailers. Everywhere else along that loop and street has the big No Parky, ticky zone. Off across the highway to Thudhope Park, unless my eyes deceived me, I didn't see any pay parking signs or ticket dispensers. Then off to Centennial Park, disaster, closed completely for construction. I didn't go to any of the marina's like blue Beacon to check for launch and park/fees. That's up to you. As for Jacob's Bait on 11N, it sort of looks deserted, up to you to find out. Cheers and hope for those that go, have fun.
    2 points
  3. Barry's post of his dog got me thinkin that many of us have man's best friend and it would be neat to see some of your dogs. Here's a pic of "Maggie", Great Pyrenees we rescued in September after our 15 year old white Lab passed away. Maggie is very affectionate, but also quite nuts! Pic is of Maggie sitting on my son's girl friend. Yah, shes a big dog! HH
    1 point
  4. We just got 2 puppies a few months ago. Here is Nash just after falling into the water. I hope he learned his lesson.
    1 point
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