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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2023 in all areas

  1. Do not know of the Zoo,but heard of it. I joined up when I got my first PC. Got an invite to join on O F N. A great lady invited me. And here I am still,yet she is not. Miss ya Joey. 🙏
    4 points
  2. There's still hope, it all depends how you program them...
    3 points
  3. You know what’s one component of cars ev or other that hasn’t changed? The disc brake. whoever invented the caliper rotar combo is a bloody wizard, the invention was so good thay not a single manufacturer has a disc brake that is any different than the other. The literal only difference is the composition of the rotars and pads. you want to teach your kid one of the most valuable life lessons? Teach them how to change out pads and rotars, it’s a universal knowledge, I learned how to do it back on my first car, and I’ve done them on every car I’ve owned since. EV’s may throw a stick in the spokes though, I wonder if the regen system gets in the way? I know they still have standard rotar caliper combo’s but my understanding is that they can actually become problematic on EV’s because of their lack of use! They actually seize up prematurely because driving around city driving the driver rarely uses the brakes!
    2 points
  4. I know im long long longggg overdue for a report, but planning a wedding, renovating a house, work and of course fishing get in the way. Welcome to the thread where you can complain about the ice conditions on your local water hole. This fish may be one of only a handful of laketrout caught through a hole in the ice on the great lakes this year. You would think -31 degree temperatures would freeze water, instead we managed to lose ice this past weekend due to the intense wind, breaking up about 300 yards of ice, while also flooding the ice that I was fishing on with 6+inches of water. All i can say is, thank god for my (now defunct) Kast steelhead gloves that allowed for me to pull my tent's pegs out of the ice while they were under 4 inches of water in -22 with dry warm hands. The walk home through that knee deep snow and water was absolute hell, the slush instantly freezing to the bottom of my sled making a 300 meter walk back to the truck taking over half an hour. I actually started laughing maniacly at one point while trying to pack up my already busted up tent, the broken pole within managed to twist itself inside of another set of poles making it effectively impossible to fold away entirely without entirely re-deploying the tent, which was now impossible due to the 60kmh winds and water on the ice. I gave up, folded it best as i could into a pile on the sled and strapped it down. I found ice that ranged in depth from 8 inches to 2 50 meters apart from one spot to the next...at this rate we will be boating in no time.
    1 point
  5. I came across these cool glass beads. The imagination was jumping and thought to self,yup,lets play. So I did. Toss them for some pan fish.
    1 point
  6. Oh Yeah the ZOO Board, the bash and belittle board. I found OFC ( O . F . N ) shortly after it came on line. I didn't join right away; but after a couple of months I felt comfortable joining the group here. I still remember being scolded by my daughter when she found out I was going to meet up with a board member for a day of fishing. "you don't know this person, he could hurt you". I went anyway and we're still friends to this day. He doesn't post here very often anymore but when he does he's a great contributor to the site. I only slow "poke" my nose in when I think I have something to contribute to a thread. I visit here once every day or so to see what's up. There's a ton of good people here that I'd drop what I'm doing to help if there was a way I could. Can't remember the member's name but he was from Thunder Bay. His parents were here in London (Mom needed some form of medical help at the hospital). His parents didn't have much money They spent most of what they had on plane tickets, food and accommodations while here in town. The board member (wish I could remember his name) mentioned that his parents were looking for a way to the airport. I told him not to worry and to give me the details of where and when. I picked up dad at the motel, went to the hospital and collected mom. Went for a breakfast and then off to the airport. I went into the airport with them, making sure they were checked in and ready to go. Said my good byes and felt great that I helped a member here at the site. That lead me to where I am now that I'm retired. I volunteer at the men's mission three days a week here in London. I want that same feeling that I helped someone that truly needs it. Dan...
    1 point
  7. You're 100% right you will not be doing brake jobs on the vehicle due to ware-out of the pads. Along with what AKRISONER said, you will be doing brake work due to corrosion, seized components, brake rotors with heavy rust scaled; that if you do have to apply the brakes hard, it'll likely all but shake you out of the vehicle. After a couple of years, you may notice that the brake pedal seems to have a bit more travel then it did and once you do feel resistants' on the pedal it will likely feel a bit spongy. Monitor this and when you do notice this, get it in for a brake servicing! It may save you some money, if a tech can clean things up and maybe machine the rotors. I used to service the Canadian Food inspection Agencies vehicles here in London. They had a number of hybrid Ford Escapes. After 2-3 years the brakes looked like they spent their life sitting in a pond. The drivers had all the complaint I listed above. The brake pads looked as they were new thickness wise; but the friction material was beginning to separate from the pad's backing plate. The fix for that was to replace all the brake components at the wheels. An easy grand+ repair, if we could save the calipers. So I'm just giving a heads up! You say you don't drive the vehicle very often. That a good thing. Your wife will not notice the change in the brakes; due to it happening so gradually. If you can try and remember what the brakes felt like the last time you drove it and then compare it to how they feel the next time. Again if there is extra pedal travel and on a relatively hard braking, if there's a shudder, get it in for a brake servicing. This is not a knock against the EV, it's just the nature of the beast!!!! Dan...
    1 point
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