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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/2023 in all areas

  1. He should have took his chances and gutted the moose, loaded up and got it home rather than letting it rot. Would have saved himself 11,000 bucks if he still got caught. He should be never allowed past French river again.
    1 point
  2. Ok, the headline is a bit misleading, he had a license but not a cow tag, probably a case of mistaken identification, often a cow will have a calf with her in the fall season, he might have seen the legal calf , it disappeared briefly and the cow appeared he shot it thinking it was the calf, realized his mistake and abandoned it rather than call a C.O. and confess to his mistake. It is not like he just shot a moose for thrills and let it lay. In that scenario I say about right
    1 point
  3. hey going to try this out I hope kingston and area gets ice soon the meal looks amazing
    1 point
  4. I've been eating plastic via Pizza Hut cheese for a while. I'm doomed lol.
    1 point
  5. I'm all for banning DDT, Roundup etc That stuff is going to kill us all. I watched a guy the other day claim that in some parts of the world now humans are consuming a credit card's worth of nana and micro plastic a week. The plastic can be detected in placentas and brain tissue in the consuming humans and their unborn kids. What is worse is that plastics use is increasing in leaps and bounds expected to double the current levels by 2030. That is a scary prediction to me.
    1 point
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