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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2022 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Build it and they will come, seems to be working for you.
    1 point
  3. 14 hour brisket. Triple smoked apple. I am not a fan of hickory. Just does not make me happy happy. After 6 hours in the smoker, move to the charcoal grill, indirect heat. Got the temp at 275. Left for 6 hours, wrapped for another 1.5. Remove foil and basted 1/2 hour over the charcoals. wrap buns and on the cold side to get all warm and soft. Wrap again to rest and well,chow down time ya,ll.
    1 point
  4. Yeah I didn't like my propane smoker either at first. Its a dual burner Dyna-Glo. Liked everything about (roomy, good racking) it; but it was just to hot for my style of smoking. Even with only one burner turned on, to its lowest setting and all the vents open; I could not get the temp below 225-250 degrees. I was roasting the meats, not smoking them low and slow. I was about ready to give up on the thing; but I paid to much for it to just sit there. Then I looked at my camp cooker and its temp control was was on the regulator. So I took that adjustable regulator and put it on the smoker. I set both of the smoker's burner control knobs to high and then adjust the amount of heat I wanted with the regulator. It also now works great for prepping the smoker; as in getting the chips smoking by cranking up the heat until it gets a good roll of smoke going. Turn the reg down and by the time I get the smoker loaded with whatever I'm smoking; its at about the right temp. Make a few adjustment with either the reg or the smoker's control knobs and I now can control the heat to wherever temp I want. Dan...
    1 point
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