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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2022 in all areas

  1. Hey all, At the begging of April my friend had asked me if I wanted to go up to his camp in Batchawana Bay north of the Sault to open it up for the year. Having been there before, I loved the area and it was a quick yes. We planned to head up the dates of April 28th to May 1st which is one of my most favorite times of the year to be north. Longer days, potential for nice weather, and no bugs! The drive up was eventful and arriving at camp was as well... everything was exactly how he had left it in November. He is right on the shore of the big lake and the last of the ice caves that form every winter were still there. About 10 feet of ice still formed on the break wall. We had also timed the smelt run perfectly so that was something we had to participate in. The weather was perfect... little wind and 15-18 degrees. All in all it was an excellent trip. The drive sure is long but the area is just spectacular. Can't wait to get up again. Cheers! BassMan
    1 point
  2. Fabulous! It has been decades since I had a feed of fresh smelts on the beach where they were caught. I am not sure if it is the passage of time, or the beverages consumed during the activities, that make the memories a bit hazy though.......... Thanks for the report! Doug
    1 point
  3. shaped like a sheep? (asking for a friend) 😁
    1 point
  4. Now you have camper! A blow up mattress lol!!!!
    1 point
  5. So Mitchy got car jacked at Islington and Queensway (Sherway Mall) last night by 3 guys. 2 with guns and one with a knife. At 7:30PM. I can't believe how bad the GTA has become since I left.
    1 point
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