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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2021 in all areas

  1. Wind warning is province wide and it,s starting,,,,,,,,,, Sitting here and I can hear the roar of the tower wires. Lights are starting to flicker as well. HANG ON TO YER BRITCHES
    1 point
  2. Go see Pat up at lake of the woods. Its an awesome trip! I've been 3 times and can't wait to go back! I even went in the winter, and it was also amazing! Long drive, or a short flight to Tbay then a few hours drive. Lake of the Woods Lodge S.
    1 point
  3. Got out for the second time this season, got one really small fish yesterday and froze my @$$ off in the process but this morning was warmer and got around 10 in a couple hours, good to get out, 9” of ice….. 👍
    1 point
  4. This one from Sunday morning This one just taken. Looks like a large fire going on.
    1 point
  5. To 92KPH by 6pm. As long a we don't get the devastation the mid states got last night/this morning I'm good. Well over a 100 dead from Kentucky to Illinois. One of the Tornados stayed on the ground for 255 miles !
    0 points
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