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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2021 in all areas

  1. Hi guys, we've been up on the West Arm of Nipissing for the last week and had a fun trip. Had a momma bear & her cub come outta the ditch in front of us and while Mom ran across the road the youngun was smart enough to wait until we got past cause I sure wouldn't want to hit either one. Couple days later I was walking down the road near the cabin and another bear came outta nowhere about 75 feet in front of me and crossed over into the bush. I always carry my camera but never got a chance to take any pictures. Never saw a moose this time but there were several good fresh tracks one morning when I went for my daily hike. One set was very fresh tracks of 3 moose crossing the road together and I figured maybe Mom and a couple kids. There was also another good track just up the road from there. There was a Ministry water bomber working close to us but there was no obvious signs of fire so we figured maybe they were just practicing but interesting to watch just the same. I attached a couple pics.
    3 points
  2. Yeah, they WERE fun days LOL
    1 point
  3. A 22’ boat might be too big for the launch on a small lake. But if your doing lake o salmon then the bigger the better. it’s hard to get a boat to do both. 16’-18’ Lund I guess.
    1 point
  4. My dear friend, You really need to consult a family lawyer. NOT a fishing forum. ‘M’ say so as well!! You have to protect your family and your self above anyone else. You can delete this thread now that you have your answer?
    1 point
  5. Take or send it to Shimano in Peterborough, they have a box full of them at the desk by the door in the parking lot, I'm sure they will take care of you...
    1 point
  6. That's a pretty good bend. It will be hard to try and straighten that shaft with that cover in the way, let alone the chances of getting it perfectly straight to line up with the bearings. I would think you'd be able to buy a replacement part, but the thing you also need to consider is the potential internal damage done to the bearings themselves and the associated support structure. I would suggest removing the bearings and simply giving them a physical test to see if they rotate easily and nice and smooth, not bumpy at all. Bearings can be found for sure, might cost as much to ship them if you bought them on their own. If I was ordering a handle shaft assy I'd definitely order a set of bearings at the same time, just because. Lastly, while your doing that, make sure you take a real good look at the support frames on each side for cracks. Clean them real good and use magnification to inspect if you can. No use buying the other parts if the frame is shot, right? At least it was you that stepped on it and not someone else hehe... Good luck
    1 point
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