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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2021 in all areas

  1. Sorry but this didn't go well the last three times. If you want to discuss covid there are plenty of other sites that will let you argue about it. Not here. Art
    2 points
  2. Took the chance with my cranky back and went along with my son out to GB for a morning of lure washing. Meet at 0500 at the launch, load my coffee, lunch, myself and a few pain killers and off we went. No sooner out of the harbour and the waves were a tad on the large size but dammit we're going. A slow ride out but set up by 0530, rig and set the rods. At sunrise the first rod pops, nice 11 lb'er, into the box. About 40 mins later, a 7 lb'er bit the cheater, you're coming for supper. Around 8, a zinger, line burner, ends up being a 15 lb'er, nice fight and into the box. A few minutes later another on the cheater but managed to free itself. That's all my back could handle, time to get back to hard ground. Had a great day, I'm glad he convinced me to go.
    1 point
  3. My trusty mechanic will do the job next week no problem. He is very reasonable $$$ and said it would be a quick job. By the time I bought the repair kit etc. this figured to be the smartest play.
    1 point
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