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  1. Well I got to play Santa yesterday. I went to get my mail and there were two Christmas cards in my mail box, the street address on the cards was right but I didn't recognize the names. One of the cards wasn't sealed and there was a $150.00 gift card in it for grocery stores, I'm not sure what was in the other card but there was something in it too. I checked with our office here in the park thinking perhaps someone had just written down the wrong street number but they didn't recognize the name either. There was a return address on the card but I was afraid that if they went back to the post office who knows where they might have ended up so I decided to try to contact the sender. Well easier said than done, I checked for phone numbers for the name on the return address, no luck. Then I googled the address and in street view found out that it was a modular home park and there was a sign "Georgina Heights" . I googled that and sure enough there was a phone number, only problem is that this park was in Cornerbrook BC but the phone number was 519 area code (Southern Ontario). I tried calling the number just in case it was a management office but no luck, it was the wrong number. Well, I did have the last name of the addressee and a first initial but when I tried calling the only phone number I could find it was no longer in service. Well I kind of felt funny about reading the card but the envelope wasn't sealed so... the message in the card had a different first name so I did another search using the first name of the person mentioned in the card and got a local phone number. I called and a gentalman answered, I asked if he knew someone in Cornerbrook BC and he kind of hesitated so I explained I had some mail that had been sent to me by mistake and was trying to redirect it to the proper person, I didn't want to divulge too much until I knew I had the right person. Well it turns out that yes his sister lived there and the name matched the return address name. It turned out that his address is 11 Homewood, mine is 11 Homestead, his sister had just written it down wrong. Anyway it is only about 20 minutes drive over to his place so I ran the cards over to him. So, it took me about two hours total but I got to see someone enjoy a Christmas present they might never have received otherwise and I got to feel like Santa Claus 😊
    2 points
  2. I started reading it and went WHAT? Then I saw the date and went DAM 😊
    2 points
  3. Its really important not to get anything spilled on the top edges of the jars or on the sealing lids when you are filling them or the seal will not last. Be careful not to overfill the jars and if you spill on the edges or lids, you have to clean it really, really well. And never, ever reuse the sealing lids. If the seals leak at all, your hard work will be ruined and you can get sick or die from botulism. Home canning is great, but its not a place to take shortcuts on food safety.
    1 point
  4. honestly lex...you seem to be getting a lot of answers from guys that havent fished with a live scope talking negatively about it lol. Live scope without a doubt is as expensive as hell, but it is 100% a game changer. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise. Wanna know why even for a "stationary" activity like ice fishing where you think a flasher does the same job? Because you pop a hole and you shoot the damn thing across the area you want to fish and rotate it and voila...it will tell you exactly where the fish are if there are any...so yes if there are fish 50 meters away to your right...your flasher aint showing you that. I havent had the pleasure of using one while ice fishing yet, but I already know how deadly that could be for fishing crappies when they are constantly moving. Instead of me drilling out a big grid of holes and then running around trying to stay on top of them I could simply rotate the deucer when they move off of my hole and figure out exactly what hole I should be fishing out of next. Now from experience fishing smallmouth...phhh how about being able to see smallies 30 feet off of the front of your boat and then casting out directly ontop of them rather then waiting until your boat is on top of them to see them. Chris Johnston won a BASS event this year doing exactly that on lake O...hed mark the fish off in the distance by rotating his trolling motor head to scan the area and then cast out a drop shot right too them without spooking them with the boat. Once again, its super super expensive stuff...but dont let people poo poo it...its crazy when you watch schools of smallmouth and walleye swim under your boat...or even crazier watching your crankbait 10 feet down swim live across your screen from 40 feet out in front of you...no joke.
    1 point
  5. Unfortunately a life vest with the water temps is not going to help. Any life vest approved in Canada will do it more about comfort and personal choice. I personally away use a floater suite for cold and mustang Deluxe Sportsman in the warmth. I add lights and whistle to both. Just always make sure to put it on. Model: MV5901 SKU: 062533782228 Deluxe Sportsman's Vest
    1 point
  6. Vexilar flasher 12v LED( DIY ) $10 /set for flx18,flx20,flx28 with switch. model A or Model B. connect to Extra poet posts. Very bright. For night ice fishing. 6 sets available. $10/each home made . pickup Markville Mall ,Markham cell 416-858-007 nine email: blovenet at gmail. Com Robert
    0 points
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