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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2020 in all areas

  1. Hi all, Got to mix my two of my favourite things last weekend, family time and fishing time. Went out at stoopid O'clock solo and got a few fish then returned home. My son asked where I had been while he was bowling in the morning and when I told him he looked disappointed, I said we could go back after lunch....BIG SMILE. We took the fire pit and fished/messed around until dusk before coming home. Fishing was exactly that in the afternoon, I fished but caught nothing. Anyhoo, fun times for all in beautiful NW Ontario.
    3 points
  2. Forgot I took this short vid. It's not much but shows our set up. My brother has had those tip ups for decades; couldn't count the number of fish they have caught over the years. Dan
    2 points
  3. Received the reel today. It is in 99.9/100 condition. Had to take .01 off due to the handle being on the wrong side, but I corrected it. Now it,s 100% LOL Seriously, it is in new condition and the braid filled spool is a bonus. Great dealing with you SIR. B
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. 1 point
  6. OK---it's a new day so here's something new for you---That wasn't a 'sheep' you saw. That was a ram!!!😁😉
    1 point
  7. yea I think that Sally will be getting a new pair of shoes; a set of drive on skies. Wanted to try the chains and I think they'll still be better on bare ice for steering. But I dob't think we would have got stuck on that crusted over snow back if she had skies on? Instead of the front tires breaking through; I think Sally would have stayed on top and floated over. OK I'm stubborn and wanted to try it my way first. LOL Dan.
    1 point
  8. So do you think skis on the front tires might be a better deal Dan ? In those pics, the front end looks like it would plow. Thanks for the feed back on your maiden journey .
    1 point
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