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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2019 in all areas

  1. Just got the news about an hour ago. I won a spot to go fishing in British Columbia, at the Duncanby Lodge. Man am I ever pumped!!!!! Anyone that knows me; they'll tell you I don't get excited or I don't show it. When my sales rep from my main parts supplier, told me the news; I jumped up from my desk, ran over to her and gave her a big old hug. Don't know all the travel arrangements yet; other then we fly into Vancouver and then take a float plane to the lodge. We (other draw winners) leave mid June for four days. I've entered this draw for the last 6 years, (since it started) and never thought I'd actually win a spot. BUT I"M GOING TO FISH THE BC COAST!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!! Here's a link to the lodge's website Duncanby Lodge Dan. NO HAPPY HAPPY DAN! LOL
    1 point
  2. They're all set up and biting! This is going to be a beautiful weekend to get out for a feed of perch! We released the biggest ones to help sustain the population! 1/8 oz. Ultra Tungsten ball jigs with various plastics were the key! Figure out what depth they're at, stay on that depth using your Navionics charts and you'll smash them but please be selective.
    1 point
  3. Don't get upset Colin! I just googled 'concerns over 5G' or something similar. I linked a couple that addressed 'concerns'. That some 120-36 scientists have signed a petition from 36 or something countries says care should be exercised does concern me. I have no position /point of view other than this stuff may prove harmful so proper research should be carried out before we get stuck with it. You are saying it is of no concern to you yet haven't come up with any links that provide more than opinion from its promoters. What 5G radiation effects on flora and fauna has been done? Seriously Colin. I would like to review some of this. OK then Colin (hope yours is healthy after 5G BTW) haha..... then why is it that Brussels, Israel and looks like Australia maybe soon doesn't want it yet? Why Colin? And why is one of the above having 20 engineers developing a 5G 'cloud' to give it to a neighboring jurisdiction that they oppose? Why Colin? This really makes me wonder if the stuff has an effect we may not like. My guess is these places want to have research that supports that it is safe before they accept it. I think that's smart. Oh and if you are right re the website thing, why would anyone do this unless there were concerns? Everything is comprised of electrons and such. Some things are very delicate. Shake em up and who knows? Let's do proper research before the shaking starts is what many are saying Colin. If you think it is not needed then fine. Have a nice day. Nice to hear your personal opinion. Honestly I have to chuckle when you seem to be saying that until electrons are stripped (ionized) from atoms and molecules all is OK. All is perfectly fine until that line is crossed. Scary to imagine this perspective Colin. Another website a few down when I typed into Google.... research showing 5G is safe... https://ehtrust.org/scientific-research-on-5g-and-health/
    1 point
  4. Fuji Fine pix waterproof underwater, point and shoot, and for those BC skylines, panoramic with a push of a button.
    1 point
  5. That,s amazing. We should put one on you David. LOL
    1 point
  6. Guess I know where to go fishing
    1 point
  7. Wish I could Wayne; it be good to have a friend with me.
    1 point
  8. My boys put a hurting on the slabs Sunday!
    1 point
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