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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2019 in all areas

  1. Ya the weather was to be so TERRIFYING. Woke up at 4am heard the rain on the window. Back to sleep til 5:30. Look outside and said you buggers. Flags were limp. Grab my gear and get to said spot. South winds were called for, so selected a south shore spot. Ya the one that has not produced for me yet this year. Well wouldn't you know it,they were there, and wouldn't you know it, not a single sole out there. LMAO. There was little to no wind,a light rain for about 5 minutes the sun even came out for a spell. Walking in the snow drifts was a bit of a challenge. They softened up a bunch. Thankfully,my walk was not far. Travel was to be light this morning. Toboggan,finder,rods and auger. Fish food style. I got 4 hours in then the wind started. Home time. Fresh fish for dinner tonight again, and will share with my co-workers Monday. Travel was light Meegs was on fire again.
    1 point
  2. Never thought of using a straw. Gotta try that. Thx for the tip.
    1 point
  3. Bring a small rock to smash the shell.. Yeah it gets a little ugly..
    1 point
  4. Looking at their floor plan, Barrie could take a lesson from it. I have always said to use the outer walk around.
    1 point
  5. Yup,it,s plug and play. Want to thank David for posting this thread and the heads up for all of us to get upgraded, and to my buddy Terry for sparing an old chip and personally delivered it to my hut this morning .Plugged it in and presto bango,there I was,sitting in ???? fow (LOL ) Like I knew I was.
    1 point
  6. I wasn't overly impressed by the food saver either. Its ok for dry things, but for fish, its not as good as freezing in a zip lock with water. The bags sometimes get punctured in the freezer too, so that voids the whole "air tight" theory. Even zip locks, with fish frozen in water is fine if the bag gets punctured. For dry (ish) things its ok, but still gets expensive buying bags for it. I can get a good air tight zip lock with a straw. Just put a straw in the bag, seal it tight to the straw, and suck the air out. It works just about as good as a food saver. Just my opinion. S.
    1 point
  7. I'm left handed and it makes no difference on the rod. I cast left and retrieve right. Switching hands on every cast? I don't get it. Makes no sense to me.
    1 point
  8. Do you drill a small hole to put on the hook ?
    1 point
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