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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2019 in all areas

  1. Hey just an fyi: Ottawa still has a team in the nhl. Seriously, I just checked the schedule, Ottawa has a team playing the Leafs' tonight.
    2 points
  2. Hi all, We finally got a break in the weather here and it was up to a balmy -17℃ last Friday. Jack had a play date with a buddy so I took Rowan from the Camp I work for out for another crack at some crappie. We were there for at least six hours, there would be a gap in the action for a whole hour sometimes before a bunch of fish would move in, just enough action to keep us there that long, or at least not brave the cold to move spots. We had a great fish fry that evening, good times.
    1 point
  3. No way Gardner can stay. When they signed Musin it pretty much sealed the deal. Right now Toronto has $14 million available for next year. Even if Marner takes 9 they aren’t going to spend the other 5 just on Gardner.
    1 point
  4. Those are 100% small tarpon in the picture. I will too....lol.
    1 point
  5. I'm a righty. I use a right hand baitcaster, I tried the lefty side but just could not get the hang of it. So I cast switch and retrieve. I use my left to retrieve with spinning gear. Go figure, I sure can't.
    1 point
  6. Very impressed that over 74% of respondents are using what I believe is the most logical combination. I originally started using a right-handed baitcaster reel but eventually realized that it really didn't make sense to cast with my right arm and then switch hands. I prefer to have my rod in my power arm and more coordinated arm.
    1 point
  7. I always changed hands, witch forced me to have rod in both hands when my bait hit the water. Far more secure hook sets this way.
    0 points
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