In my line of work, I teach outdoor education to some of the worst of the worst. Students expelled for bullying, fighting, assault, drugs and worse ... I take them some of the places my dad has taken me over the years in hopes that they will build strength of character, patience, people skills, problem solving etc much like I did through my experiences. We start with less crowded spaces until they can be decent people to others. But I work diligently with these young boys, sometimes young men to ensure they think twice before they do what they did to get in trouble again. You are not wrong that many “bad kids” just don’t have the right guidance or examples to follow. I work hard to give them opportunities and skills in a way they don’t feel like they are learning and hope that it will make a difference in the future. Sometimes it’s not always rewarding but when you mKe a difference in one person you know it’s going a long way. Ice fishing in particular is a great lesson provider ... ?