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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2018 in all areas

  1. There was an assembly at my granddaughters school today. It was to honor students for good deeds. From grade 1 to 8 I had no idea that she was part of this. She was awarded for courage. She stood up for another student that was being bullied. The child she helped,told the teacher what she did.. She is only 6 yoa. A young girl that is being brought up by a single father. Someone is bringing up this child right.
    3 points
  2. Most here would not remember the airline pilot and the brain surgeon skit, classics. -
    2 points
  3. Got hauled off to see this guy last weekend, he was entertaining at an event at a group my step daughter belongs to, he really is a smooth singer and classy entertainer. I kept having flashbacks to the Dean Martin show of the sixties, half expected Foster Brookes to come out and do a drunk skit. Most here would not remember the airline pilot and the brain surgeon skit, classics.
    2 points
  4. The entire concert is great, but 'Decoration Day' just sticks with me for some reason.
    1 point
  5. We can't have it both ways folks. We can clamp down on imports by imposing tariffs and level the playing field against offshore competitors, or try to compete and watch the economy dwindle. This thing with GM isnt new and it's not the last company that will pull out. As long as we continue to demand $400 50" TV's, dollar stores check full of cheap chinese junk, and maintain a price before quality mentality, WE will drive businesses offshore. The dude above holding the sign, where do you think his friggin wife shops??? Was he out holding a sign when the Oshawa Sears store closed?? Its all Bull, sorry. We can't have one set of economic rules that support high paying union jobs for a select few and a wide open trade economy for the masses. And before anyone drops the "I'll pay $3000 for a TV if it means more jobs", you won't. Look around your house and think about everything that was imported. Now imagine a 2x or 3x price increase on those items. The only way out of this mess is to slowly limit imports to encourage local manufacturing and generate jobs; while incurring moderate price increases only. The Have-nots will love it, and the Haves will scream. And since they both get a vote and currently there's way more Haves in this country, the politician that tries that will be history. I know which way I'd vote.
    1 point
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