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Lake Nipissing Muskies

Regan Thompson

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Lake Nippising - West Arm and West Bay - Season opener we had a very fat 52" caught that set the stage of expectations right away! However after that, things started to slow down, big time! With the cold spring weed growth was down everywhere. It seemed the fish were still deep while most anglers were still focusing on underdeveloped weeds (my thoughts anyway),


Now, it seems things are (FINALLY) starting to turn on. Picked up this 47" on the West Arm the other night, not on weeds, no, but in a place and with a method you would not suspect. Although I'm hearing Ski's are finally being caught on the weeds (nothing big mind you, at least not that I'm hearing of).


This has been a funny year with the cold temps and slow weed growth. However the fact is, these girls still need to eat, and they will! Just a matter of where to find them.


Interested to hear your thoughts.


Fall should be even more interesting.


Edited by Regan Thompson
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Hey Regan.. With the late Spring and summer winding down before long. I have to wonder just how well the weed growth will continue to develop. Probably will some, but I sought things will be as they have been the last few years. Even in June of prior years, we have excellent cabbage growth where we would expect it. Hope things return to normal.


Times such as these is what challenges the musky fisherman, to change tactics and location in order to find the fish. I stuck to the thrift and true this year and was able to land one and had a couple other follows.\


I will be on the French Rover in early September, so we'll see how things look then. I will be doing more trolling down there, that I rarely do up on Nippissing - so we'll see how she goes. There are also a few cabbage beds around where I will be, so I'll get a chance to see how things have progressed over error month.

Edited by Rich Clemens
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Morning Regan, good to see you joined our happy little group.


The big bay you and I fished on Sunday normally has weeds right up to the surface by now but as you saw their only about 1/2 that high this year but I still think the big fish are in there as they always are. I'm getting lots of pike...unfortunately...and I don't see any reason for their big cousins not to be with them, it's just a matter of digging them out. They never come easy around here but when they do hit, their nearly always big fish.


As I told you at dinner last night, I went to a couple other spots the other day I like to chase muskies and the cabbage is right up to the surface and bright green.


Some areas didn't grow normally this year while others did and I think the fish are still gonna be in their normal spots.


Waters really cool though and when I was out trolling yesterday it was only 71F which is down alot from where it should be.


Air temps are only gonna be 50F today so that'll cool things off even more.


Still beats working for a living though LOL....see you next week.

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Thanks for having me guys. Agreed, I guess narrowing the really good weeds down can increase success in this case. I'm guessing weed growth will be stagnant or in the decline very soon with these temps. Should be interesting to see how long bait fish hang around them if this is the case. If continues to be cool they could be heading for open water sooner than later.


We'll see how things work out on Cross next week Lew. I've heard it can be hot or cold over there. Let's hope the Muskie gods smile upon us!

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Thanks for having me guys. Agreed, I guess narrowing the really good weeds down can increase success in this case. I'm guessing weed growth will be stagnant or in the decline very soon with these temps. Should be interesting to see how long bait fish hang around them if this is the case. If continues to be cool they could be heading for open water sooner than later.


We'll see how things work out on Cross next week Lew. I've heard it can be hot or cold over there. Let's hope the Muskie gods smile upon us!


Inquiring minds want to know :angel:

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We'll see how things work out on Cross next week Lew. I've heard it can be hot or cold over there. Let's hope the Muskie gods smile upon us!


Looking forward to it Regan, I've got some stuff to do in Sturgeon Falls Monday morning but any other time I'm good to go.

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Glad to see you and Lew got out as you planned. With the sonar tuned up you should be able to see all the bait balls this fall you want. Thanks again for a wonderful stay the other week between all of those wacky Canadians who dropped by and you all making the time to make us feel welcome it was a great vacation.



Art and Joe

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