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Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?


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In keeping with the original question I have sent off a email to my MPP here. I copied Gerritt's original question and supplied the link for this thread for him and his fellow colleagues to read and more importantly respond to Gerritt's original question. What are your plans as well as the PC parties plans for the MNR in Ontario? Of course we will get a very well thought out response but it will be interesting to hear what he says, if he responds, I believe he will, Toby Barrett is the only politician I can believe when he says something. Yes much easier to do when sitting on the left side of the house.


Now if I may my 3 cents of politics, never have a chance to talk it here at home, actually my rule, need to change it.


After carefully reading the responses here, which are very, very interesting, I told my esteemed member of Parliament that it would be prudent for him to carefully read the responces here and have his entire party candidates as well as Hudac to read it too. This thread is a better indication of the climate of the working class Ontarian (unless you are a professional that needs an accountant to keep track of your earnings you are working class not middle class folks). Better indication than any Ipsis-Reid pole.


How in heavens name does a very young black Jr. Senator with a millisecond of political experience, with of all things a Muslim sounding name during a war waged against predominantly Muslims defeat, soundly I may add, a lifelong seasoned politico, Wasp, God fearing, south western, likeable and a freakin' war hero to boot? Not only once but twice.


How? He did it by convincing slightly over 1% of the population that never votes or voted to vote for him. 21 year old students of all races, colours and creeds, disenfranchised visible minorities and those at very low income that never vote, and those that lost faith in the political system that gave up a long time ago, that's how. It ain't rocket science, it's political science though, and a brilliant strategy politicians were to frightened to push the start button on. But that's a discussion for another day on another forum.


If you want Hamilton Hannah Horwath, I call her triple "H", as your next Premier, be my guest go ahead and spoil your ballot as a protest, or don't vote, that's your right. Remember no one voted for McGuinty either. Remember Bobby " Ray Days" Rea's meteoric rise to power. We woke one morning after election day and had an left leaning socialist oriented NDP Premier in the bosom of Canada's business sector. How'd dat happin' Joe? No one voted for the guy, no one voted against him either.


Complain all you want, you pay taxes that's your right too, I've read that here too, but don't dare complain to me.


Don't worry Big Cliff, triple H is as straight as Bill Clinton. I used to tip a few with her (then) boyfriend at a time she was my city councillor at his bar on James Street.


Protest all you want but be careful when you do it by spoiling a ballot.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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