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Wood Chips, Cork Dust, and Epoxy Fumes (Lots of pics - Updated!)


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The props are well deserved Bud, I wouldn't have said so if it weren't so.


I've been wanting to get up some pictures of recent work and since you're asking to see them here I'll add some to keep a good thread going.

Thanks for allowing me to piggyback on your post and great work.


I won't elaborate too much but it is all recent and why I've been mostly absent.


The reel seat I did with T&T hardware for a T&T spey conversion using Birds Eye Maple..




The finished rod showing wraps and feather inlays.....



Another T&T conversion....
A couple of recent 4 axis chevrons.
The one above in blue was built to compliment a beautiful RSG custom reel with matching wood.
I could go on but I'll end it with one more picture of some recent reel seat work with a new to me finish (CA).




It's nice to see when things come full circle. Brady is indeed a talented angler and by the looks of it a talented rod builder as well. This truly is a gifted community. And am proud to be part of it.



I've seen most of what Spiel have posted...the pics don't do justice to them....I'm sure Brady's is the same way. I really like the rear wood grip on the first rod that Brady posted.


As always, awesome work!


Love the finish on those reel seats - I use the same finish on fly barrel seats, but haven't used it too much on the contoured seats. Might give it a whirl on the next batch.


Fantastic workmanship from beginning to end Brady, and to have Speils stamp of approval, life doesnt get any better then that.


Thanks - I agree!


Very nice! What do you use for stabailizing? I've looked into a process to stabilize knife handles but never got around to it.

Have you used desert ironwood burl at all? I have a few knives in it and it makes a great durable wood.


Without getting into too much detail its a vacuum process and the actual stabilizing material changes depending on the wood and desired outcome.


I haven't come across that wood before but will keep my eyes open for sure

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As always, awesome work!


Love the finish on those reel seats - I use the same finish on fly barrel seats, but haven't used it too much on the contoured seats. Might give it a whirl on the next batch.


Thanks Bud.


Here's a few more shots.....


This one from this morning. Two seats for a good friends upcoming projects.


Also a few shots of some NRX conversion work. The one in green wood is done the other I'm currently working on.
The green was a handle replacement and the other a complete strip and rebuild which should be done any day.

Now back to work........!
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Thanks Bud.


Here's a few more shots.....


This one from this morning. Two seats for a good friends upcoming projects.


Also a few shots of some NRX conversion work. The one in green wood is done the other I'm currently working on.
The green was a handle replacement and the other a complete strip and rebuild which should be done any day.

Now back to work........!


You've got to be pretty brave to strip an NRX! LOL, nice work!!

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Got a little distracted with some personal stuff this week, but such is life.


Let's carry this thread on with a rod I did back in the spring (winter?) for an OFNer Christopher.


Chris came to me with a vision - he wanted a spey rod to take out West on a trip he had planned, that would also be useful for fishing his home water like the Credit.


The budget was... lets say challenging. But who doesn't like a good challenge now and then!


After quite a bit of back and forthing, we settled on a blank (8wt, 14') and the components were ordered.


Colour scheme was to be charcoal grey blank, neon green accents (I dubbed this project the "Nuclear Spey")


There were some challenges:


Challenge Numero Uno - the blank showed up, and it was deep red. Oops, that isn't right. Turns out the supplier changed the colour of the finish and didn't update the website :wallbash:


Solution Numero Uno - Strip the blank. What? Strip the finish on a brand new blank? Yup. Knowing full well I was voiding the warranty I stripped that sucker down the the gorgeous raw graphite underneath, and promised Chris I would back the 1 year factory warranty myself.


Challenge Numero Dos - Nuclear green wraps on a black blank. Nothing to test your skills like the ultimate contrast! I'm somewhat of a perfectionist, so after much wrapping and rewrapping I solved this one as well.


Finally, Pictures:















And what did I learn from this build?


Never, ever, ever agree to strip the factory finish on a blank again. What a massive undertaking. I'm sure it could be done quickly, but it's also dead easy to knick the graphite and have the thing blow up on the first cast...




Next up is a 4wt fly rod that I built for a customer who vanished midway through the build.


The bonus? I have a sweet little 4wt in my personal collection now...

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