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Any fishing spots near Simcoe, ON?


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Not too many good fishing spots in simcoe for anything but some rare (and out of season now) browns and carp/suckers/chubs. There is the waterford ponds nearby. There is panfish in them but crappies are a tough find this time of year. I've been seeing mostly sunfish caught.

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Not too many good fishing spots in simcoe for anything but some rare (and out of season now) browns and carp/suckers/chubs. There is the waterford ponds nearby. There is panfish in them but crappies are a tough find this time of year. I've been seeing mostly sunfish caught.

Thanks buddy, sounds boring:-(

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Thank you all for the welcoming :clapping:


I just checked on Google Map, is Long Point park near Simcoe a good place for fishing? Any shore fisihing spot there? What can I expect to catch? (my friend tell me Long Point Provincial Park is closed to Simcoe, I can catch perch or pike there, not sure for bass fishing)


Never been to west of Toronto except Windsor and Waterloo. Thanks a lot!

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You can shore fish the pier in Port Rowan. It's between Long Point and Simcoe. Small public fishing pier. really shallow, fish in the channel where they dredged . The boats are mostly out now so you can also fish the dock area by the restaraunt. I dont know about this time of year but at various other times I've caught bass, pike, crappies, bluegills and perch there semi consistently.

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You can shore fish the pier in Port Rowan. It's between Long Point and Simcoe. Small public fishing pier. really shallow, fish in the channel where they dredged . The boats are mostly out now so you can also fish the dock area by the restaraunt. I dont know about this time of year but at various other times I've caught bass, pike, crappies, bluegills and perch there semi consistently.

Hi Rich,


Thank you very much! My friend also suggested me Port Rowan or Turkey Point. I am a Crappie lover. In terms of crappie fishing this time, which one do you think better, Port Rowan or Turkey Point? Thanks again.

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:clapping: I woke up this morning, all my crews' gone... (I killed them all!)

Anthony, I'm surprised, it's "whacked em all, sent them on vacation, they won't be bothering anyone no more, deep sixed em, taking a dirt nap, put a pill in em, even sleep with the fishes if you watch movies and believe what you see. Never " I killed them all". I killed them all? Something a mob accountant might say right out of business school.


Back to wiseguy class for you son.


On a more serious fishing related note. We took a wonderful road trip from here (Selkirk) to almost the end of Long Point all along most of the Lakeshore. I saw not one single person shorefishing. There were more boats than I would expect out in the inner bay as the water had sat down but not one person from Dover to the Old Cut shorefishing. Including Turkey Point and Ryersee and Rowan.


The most fish I saw were around the docks at the Port Dover Marina. Bluegill, very small perch and a few what I think were wait,,,,,, crappie. I don't think fishing is allowed there of course. Is it Rich? BTW did you get my PM Rich from last week?

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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