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Pike flies

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Here are some basic flies that I have tied for Pike.

What do use guys recommend for leader material when flyfishing for pike? I usually use heavy flouro tippet. Does anyone use Tuff Line Tufleader (braided stainless steel but apparently ties like mono)?




They're not pretty but they fool some of the hammer handles at Mountsberg. Pike seem to swallow the fly quite often. I like to pinch the barbs to increase the odds of a successfull release.


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any fly in general doesn't need to be pretty (don't tell the dry fly elitists that ha), especially pike flies though


I use either thick mono/fluor or the Rio wire tippet in 20/30lb for leader...it ties well, usually still use a small snap but sometimes tie a loop knot...albright knot to attach tippet to leader


if you get into tying some larger stuff, synthetic materials don't absorb water they way a "half chicken" fly does and pick up and cast easier


barbless all the way, all my pike lures are barbless, haven't looked back


only thnk about those long streamer hooks is they have a small gap and long shank, leads to more shake offs...mustad makes a great long shank, wide gap saltwater streamer hook, perfect for pike


details on those pliers? do they float?

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those look really nice! good job!

I suggest you tie on a stinger hook!

I've lost some takes and visually watched a pike grab my streamer by the tail turn and never hook up. so I tie 20lb wire and have the hook point just shy of the end of the fly. it helps a lot, use a heavy guage hook, I forget what mine are but their a number 6 salt water type hook, I think.

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I haven't done a ton of fly fishing for Pike, but when I do I use TyGer or Cortland Toothy Critter leader. Worked great, but I haven't landed any trophies yet. I also have some of the Tuf-Line, but haven't used it yet;.


The flies I have "tied" - which are simple Maribou, bunny strip and flash combinations - I used 7/0 and 8/0 O'Shaughnessy hooks. I also picked up some Partridge Ad Swier 6/0 pike hooks and was using those most recently. Although, my monstrosities look like they would be more for Tarpon or Musky than Pike, lol.

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What rods and lines do you guys use to chuck these big flies?


I have an 8 weight that doesn't like to toss anything much bigger than 2"...


My fly fishing is mostly limited to rivers, and while I could fire some huge flies with the Spey rod it isn't the most practical idea when in a boat on a lake.


Weight forward, big shooting heads?

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I use a rio outbound line, it's meant to have a shooting head on it but I just run straight 20lb to my leader/fly, works well


also overline 1 wt using the rio pike line, my rod is a fast action 9wt, handles the overline nicely


tying the big flies with synthetic materials helps reduce the amount of water they suck up, pick up and punch better


I use a 9wt switch rod a lot, cast a mile overhand and hanldes big stuff good


I also have a cross current 13/14 i bust out now and then lol

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