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A great Thanksgiving on the West Arm


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We finally got back up to the West Arm after a 2 year hiatus with no fishing boat. This time is was my wife Tina, sister-in-law Jackie, myself and Suzy & Tango our labs.


Saturday was cold and windy, we were expecting a great walleye day but they were hard to come by. This was still a great 1/2 day fishing

because Jackie caught her first walleye and it was a nice 35cm eye :) So she got to keep it for the pan mmmm.. no picture of this one

we weren't thinking. We were to excite that she caught the first walleye in the new boat and her first walleye ever!


That was the only walleye we saw Saturday..it was very slow!


We got up Sunday at 4 am to go hit the ducks, this proved to be slow as well. We have not been up for 2 years but the last time we hunted our spot, we filled our limits no problem. We ended the morning with 1 ringneck which Tina took with a fantastic shot! Suzy lauched herself out of the boat and picked the bird up without a hitch. I missed my only opportunity on a ringneck LOL!


We packed up at 9 and head back to the cabin for eggs & bacon. Then back out on the water looking for walter!


We got 4 more walleye on Sunday and Jackie's first pike.



Monday we got up early 4:30 (which really isn't early for me I'm used to 3 or early back home LOL! ) to try for ducks again but I was feeling really under the weather. So the girls talked and played with the dogs then at 6 they cooked eggs & bacon for breakfast again. This did the trick and I was ready to go, I'm the luckiest guy in the world :)


We were on the water for around 7:30, Monday was the best day within the first 1/2 hour of fishing Jackie caught a nice eye just shy of 60cm. Not bad for walleye rookie LOL!



Looks like Tina and I were left to catch the keepers while Jackie caught all the big fish HAHA!


I caught a few more keepers and 1 in the low end of the slot limit that was returned to swim another day.


We found a windy spot and I picked up 3 more eyes one around 30cm and 2 were very small. We broke for lunch,

after lunch tried a few spots then checked the windy spot again, we trolled further up the channel this time.

Which was a good idea because we spent the next few hours catching an eye on almost every pass, it was a long

stretch that took about 20-30 mins to drift/troll completely.


Then later in the afternoon Tina caught a nice one just a bit smaller than Jackie's, she wasn't happy with the picture so I'm not allowed

to post it HAHA! but she did catch this one.



and Jackie with another nice one.




After a few hours my Suzy (the chocolate lab) was snoring curled up in her fav spot at the bow and Tango confused our boat bumpers with

training bumpers and was quite frusturated that she couldn't get the bumper in the boat. All things concidering this very high energy

pup was very good in the boat for her first real fishing trip in cold weather. She keep us entertained while things were slow and only

needed a few bathroom breaks.



We were not worried about Suzy because she's an old hat at this and took her spot right away. Only popping up for a quick look and stretch

to see where we were and sniff the wind. Unless one of us were snacking then she'd jumped up to come mooch a snack as well :)


Suzy's the best boat dog you could wish for!


We actually ended the day with a 3 person limit including the slot fish. Truth be told the ladies caught the bulk of the fish this year and

I'm glad, it was fun to watch them enjoy it so much! Job well done for the guide ;)

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Was a great weekend, I forgot to mention we fished until almost dark Monday and while I was cleaning the fish. Tina & Jackie got the fire started and

cooked a Turkey dinner. So we got to have a real thankgiving dinner it was late like 9:30 but was awesome because we sat by the fire laughing then

went in for a turkey dinner and back out to finish the night full and warm by a fire :)


Tina also caught a 24" pike that went in the freezer, because I forgot my fillet knife and the ladies want to learn how to fillet pike :)

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Super report. Looks like you did better in the pickerel department than we did.


Glad you had a good time up there, cept for the day you were under the weather. Funny how bacon and eggs can cure anything :thumbsup_anim:


I miss it already up there!!!


Which cabin were you in?

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We were in the last cabin #12 (boat or walk to) It was good because I could let my dogs run around a bit, it was a nice stay but I'm not gonna lie.. I missed the atmosphere and the group fires we normally have :)


I was hoping the walleye were just slow the last time 2-3 yrs ago we were up there for them, but it looks like the rumours may be correct. Saturday and Sunday we were only pulling 1 from each spot.


Monday was the only day we could actually pattern them and get any kind of consistent bite.

Edited by RangerGuy
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