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A little afternoon delight! (With a pics!)


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Hey All!


So I thought to myself today, it's such a nice day that I'm going to try that new spot I've always thought about hitting, but never bother since my honey hole is much (10 minutes) closer. haha


I headed down to the river with my trusty hip waders on, itching for the water. I had already scouted which bank I wanted to be on for each potential run I could identify through Google Earth.


So I found a few great looking runs, and some moderately deep holes, which I know from experience often hold big boys and girls.


So I've been here for about 30 mins and had caught 4 or 5 8-10" little rainbows, and I figure what the heck, I may as well head back downstream to where I had planned on fishing.


I head back downstream and notice this this great looking run. I had just switched to a lure I have not typically used for rainbows or browns, so I figure, there has to be a brute in there so I cast across the hole and slowly bring my lure back across the drop off when....




Hog Johnson.




Nice 25" rainbow. What a fight on the ultra light spinning reel. Good 10-15 minute battle, burning the drag, rolling and thrashing. I was lucky enough to catch an equally impressive 24.5" rainbow last week, but the fight on this guy was the best I've had.


I tip my hat to you sir.


Tight lines.




edit: added new pics

Edited by GreenCanada
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For anyone who is interested, here's a couple more pics!


Sorry I don't have any pics with me holding him, but fishing solo has a few downsides.


After cleaning



Dill, butter, salt and pepper...






great fish.


as for holding them up for pics, if you use a digi cam then you can bring a mini tripod with you that you get from dollarama. i always screw it on to my cam before i start fishing. then i have the cam set on x3 auto pics so once you press the button it takes 10 seconds before it shoots the 1st pic then a couple of seconds to the next one and then the third one. even works when i'm on the boat. although if there's a couple of people around they look at me strangely when i'm posing in front of nothing it seems lol.

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as for holding them up for pics, if you use a digi cam then you can bring a mini tripod with you that you get from dollarama.


The GorillaPod mini-tripods are a little pricier, but they're great for taking solo shots. They're the ones with the articulated legs so you can set them up on any uneven surface and still keep the camera straight, and you can even use them to mount your camera on posts, tree branches, whatever. Definitely a worthwhile purchase if you want to take your camera along for the perfect shot but you don't have anyone to take the pic for you...


Nice fish, btw. Now I'm hungry. :-)

Edited by jigsnreels
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I've actually considered the GorillaPod before, but I was using dslr's mostly so I was a little paranoid about their quality. Now that I primarily use a compact camera, I think I'll look more seriously at getting one. The only thing I really miss when fishing solo is the ability to take some sweet shots.

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