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I've reported in the past that I have a special needs nephew who loves to fish. I remember visiting him in the hospital when he was born and him being the of a size that would fit in your hands. He doesn't live very far from me and often shows up on my door step to talk about fishing and drop hints about how much he loves it when I take him fishing. Well the other day he popped by and I asked him if he had ever caught a trout before and he said no so we went to buy some worms and I took him to a sure fire spot I knew before I had to go to work.




He missed it on that attempt but got it on the next with some help




Managed to get him into a dozen fish all about the same size. His enthusiasm for the sport is infectious and makes me want to fish more. Its funny how symbiotic a relationship like that can be.


Take a kid fishing you'll both benefit.

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