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The MNR needs help


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Kawartha Anglers Needed!...


An awesome monitoring program has been released by the good folks at the MNR in part resulting from the hard work of your Fish Advisory Council to collect data that will be used in conjunction with creel census information and other ongoing on the water observations (air patrol etc.). Please read below and take the ten minutes to fill out the simple online survey after each outing this winter.


thanks for you doing your part - and for those early season anglers play safe out there


As part of the monitoring and assessment strategy for the fisheries management plan, MNR Peterborough District has started an Electronic Ice fishing Angler Diary program to collect information from anglers on what they're catching while ice fishing. The data collected can be used in conjunction with roving creel surveys to gather important information on the impact of the new ice fishing opportunities and will help inform future management action in the zone.




With the cold weather lately, it won't be long before many of us are out ice fishing. When you're out fishing this winter, take a few notes:


- How long did you fish, and with how many lines?

- How many of each species did you catch? (Including if you caught non-target species, the number of out of species fish being caught is something that this program will help inform)

- How many of each species did you keep and how long were they?


When you get home after each day fishing, go to www.fmz17survey.ca and take 2-4 minutes to fill out the survey. (After you do it a couple times you'll get pretty fast). ZERO's are important: if you go fishing and don't catch anything, please fill in the survey for that trip too! In order for the data to be meaningful 'no catch' trips must be recorded too. Remember to only fill in the survey for what you personally caught, not what your entire group landed.


At the end of the survey, you'll have the opportunity to provide your e-mail address. That will allow the person analyzing the surveys to link all your trips together and provide you with some basic data about your ice fishing season.

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