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Lead is one of those things we know is dangerous, but we cant live without it.I think this is a good decission but at the same time we should continue to try and find subsitutes and eventually ban it.I imagine tons of it are lost by anglers from all over the world, and that some of it finds its way into the food chain somehow.I remember when they took lead out of gasoline.The automobile lobbyists went crazy, but eventually over time, we made the transition and are all still driving cars.I think it will be the same with the rest of the lead containing products.The Goverments will probably find a way to TAX the crap out of us for usng lead.dunno.gif


Overall, I could easily live without lead in fishing tackle. In the grand scheme of things it's a small difference that will benefit the water quality greatly. As mentioned earlier, imagine the tonnes of lead that must be lost in the water. Remember, they banned lead from food cans, paint, gasoline for a good reason. Keeping lead in fishing tackle is probably more from a manufacturing lobby effort than the average sport angler.


Ban lead all together, it's polluting the environment and a known carcinogen... It's also on obsolete as they're are other materials we fisherman and women can use such as brass, tin, and tungsten.


Ya, lead is cheap, and I buy lead as well but I value my health and the environment much more than saving a couple bucks on tackle.


Unfortunately this isn't realized by the majority.

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