Guest Johnny Bass Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 (edited) On 8/23/2010 at 9:56 AM, Jer said: OK comrade, how did that all work out in the former Soviet Union? Actually it worked out quite well and there was less poverty in the USSR then there is in North America. But there was corruption there as well. But what I suggest is not communism. Where the gov not only owns enterprises but everything else. I believe in people being able to own a home and such. The reason the USSR fell is because they were being undermined by an emperor with no clothes. All the money the west used to undermine the USSR was made out of thin air. Can you imagine if I had my own country and I could make money out of thin air? I can lure the best scientists and minds away from all the countries. Its like Canada trying to compete with the US. They are taking all our doctors and with what? Debt. Money backed by absolutely nothing. If money was still backed by gold, Russia's economy would be massive. But the main reason the USSR fell was? World war II. Russia's economy and Europe's as well was left in ruins. And because of North America's geological position? Its land was not attacked and its economy remained intact. It Germany or Japan were located where Mexico is? The North American economy would have been shattered, and Russia would have been bragging about how Socialism is superior. Capitalism is not working, Thats for sure. It works for a bit, when you are going on a buying spree with your debt dollars but then when it comes time to pay the piper, your in trouble, because people over spend when the bill is left to someone else(the taxpayer). Edited August 23, 2010 by Johnny Bass
Guest Johnny Bass Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 On 8/23/2010 at 12:08 PM, Billy Bob said: EXACTLY what I was thinking.... You want WASTE and INEFFICIENCY then just add more and more government. Take my area for example...pretty soon we will only have government jobs here. Then what ? ? ? The reason for that is because they outsourced all the manufacturing jobs and you cant compete with China's cheap labour force. All there is left is government jobs. Government jobs are great here in Canada and are accountable, but you need manufacturing(you need to be producing valuable goods) to pay for it. It should be illegal to import a product that can be made domestically.
Roy Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 On 8/23/2010 at 12:34 PM, Johnny Bass said: It should be illegal to import a product that can be made domestically. But then you'd have no fishing tackle, rods nor reels, Johnny. You'd also probably have to walk to work at your government job. I don't think you want to go there. Really.
Guest Johnny Bass Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 On 8/23/2010 at 12:42 PM, Roy said: But then you'd have no fishing tackle, rods nor reels, Johnny. You'd also probably have to walk to work at your government job. I don't think you want to go there. Really. No I probably wouldn't be waiting for Shimano gear that is being made in Malaysia. When it could have been made right here in North America and no shortage of workers. Walk to work? Explain that one. Oh yes. I do want to go there.
Billy Bob Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 On 8/23/2010 at 12:34 PM, Johnny Bass said: The reason for that is because they outsourced all the manufacturing jobs and you cant compete with China's cheap labour force. All there is left is government jobs. Government jobs are great here in Canada and are accountable, but you need manufacturing(you need to be producing valuable goods) to pay for it. You are not correct in the above statement for several reasons. The WNY area (Buffalo) has been in a recession for OVER 30 years, WAY before China became a player in manufacturing products for anyone. However, we did lose MANY manufacturing jobs here that were the staple of the area, like the Steel Plants, etc......HOWEVER, over that period of time MORE and MORE government jobs have been added by the politicians to pad their side with additional VOTES to stay in their political jobs....AND because of those political jobs our TAXES have SKYROCKETED to the highest in the NATION causing even more businesses to move the hell out of the area which AGAIN raises TAXES even more. The top employers in WNY are NYS, Erie County, City of Buffalo and the School Systems. NONE produce any products or are in competition with anyone to hold down cost. ALL are driving even more private sector businesses out of the area. BTW what do you do for a living. Is it a government job or a private sector job ?
jedimaster Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 You wanna here something even better. When I got divorced my Ex took the car and transfered it in her name. Plate and Vehicle transfered into a new name. 6 months later I get a bill saying she was on the 407 and I have to pay for it. I called them and told them the plate was transferred months ago and they said too bad its listed in there system under my name and I have to pay it and they sent it to collections. Nice eh.
duckdog Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 Great idea who ever travels the 407 has t o pay for that expense \ On 8/21/2010 at 4:16 PM, Dave Bailey said: I've heard of some people getting cheap revenge by sending in a payment that is a few cents over the amount owing. This then goes into the 407 computer as a credit, and they keep sending you a bill every month showing it. It costs postage to tell you that you are credited with a few cents, and you get a chuckle at their expense.
Cudz Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 I have one thing to say about the 407. Bike carrier on your vehicle with bikes on it.
rylan Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 I do believe the person that bought the 407 is George Soros -- he is the same gentlment that is trying to build the NAFTA super highway from Mexico into Canada. I read somewhere that he plans on building the laresg sea port in mexico and will take away business in every western port The highway will stretch from the border ( texas/mexico ) and travel north. This will highway will also house gas lines, power lines and rail. YES it will be a TOLL road. Not sure if this is true -- but someone told me one time that OUR Provincial Parks are used as collateral from the debt we the people in cure -- I know this happens in the USA. But un-sure of Canada -- we have to watch out for that.
Fish Farmer Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 (edited) So it takes you 5 minutes longer to get were your going. Save 30 to 40 bucks and relax. It's beyond me why anyone would use the 407. It could grow up in weeds, if it waited for me to take it. Billy Bob, my blood pressure is up with yours on this one After reading this post, they helped lock the door for me. Edited August 23, 2010 by Fish Farmer
cram Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 On 8/23/2010 at 12:17 PM, Johnny Bass said: If that were the case then we should privatize our health care again, dont you think? And anyone with half a brain knows universal healthcare is a more better system for the majority of the citizen's. Private health care benefits mostly the rich. You'd think that a government as rich as Canada's would be more efficient than any private sector, unless it is competing against another country with deeper pockets. Johnny -- public sector is in general less efficient than private, no matter how you slice it. There's no way that a 9-4:30 slow-as-molasses culture is going to outperform a private company that is gunning for it There are exceptions - healthcare is one of them where the right-to-have-it is more important than the efficiency in delivering it - but in general, i think 9 out of 10 people who are familiar iwth public sector efficiencey would disagree with you.
Guest Johnny Bass Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 On 8/23/2010 at 3:22 PM, Billy Bob said: You are not correct in the above statement for several reasons. The WNY area (Buffalo) has been in a recession for OVER 30 years, WAY before China became a player in manufacturing products for anyone. However, we did lose MANY manufacturing jobs here that were the staple of the area, like the Steel Plants, etc......HOWEVER, over that period of time MORE and MORE government jobs have been added by the politicians to pad their side with additional VOTES to stay in their political jobs....AND because of those political jobs our TAXES have SKYROCKETED to the highest in the NATION causing even more businesses to move the hell out of the area which AGAIN raises TAXES even more. The top employers in WNY are NYS, Erie County, City of Buffalo and the School Systems. NONE produce any products or are in competition with anyone to hold down cost. ALL are driving even more private sector businesses out of the area. BTW what do you do for a living. Is it a government job or a private sector job ? If there is all government jobs and no manufacturing? High taxes and debt is all that can sustain the state.....Which can explain the recession...... Well outsourcing is to blame. Maybe not China 30 years ago. But outsourcing nonetheless. Asia and Europe have been taking jobs for awhile. And NAFTA did not help NY out much either. Where in your opinion did all the manufacturing jobs go 30 years ago? They went somewhere since New York's population is second only to LA. And their consumption rate would be quite high. It is clear outsourcing of manufacturing jobs is the culprit. Whether it is to another state or another country. Everytime we shop at walmart we are shooting ourselves in the foot. But now most places are selling imports.....
cram Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 On 8/23/2010 at 6:21 PM, Johnny Bass said: If there is all government jobs and no manufacturing? High taxes and debt is all that can sustain the state.....Which can explain the recession...... Well outsourcing is to blame. Maybe not China 30 years ago. But outsourcing nonetheless. Asia and Europe have been taking jobs for awhile. And NAFTA did not help NY out much either. Where in your opinion did all the manufacturing jobs go 30 years ago? They went somewhere since New York's population is second only to LA. And their consumption rate would be quite high. It is clear outsourcing of manufacturing jobs is the culprit. Whether it is to another state or another country. Everytime we shop at walmart we are shooting ourselves in the foot. But now most places are selling imports..... I would bet that 95% of what you buy comes from outside the province. Would you be willing to have less (because you could afford less) if it meant supporting local businesses?
Guest Johnny Bass Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 (edited) On 8/23/2010 at 5:53 PM, cram said: Johnny -- public sector is in general less efficient than private, no matter how you slice it. There's no way that a 9-4:30 slow-as-molasses culture is going to outperform a private company that is gunning for it There are exceptions - healthcare is one of them where the right-to-have-it is more important than the efficiency in delivering it - but in general, i think 9 out of 10 people who are familiar iwth public sector efficiencey would disagree with you. I totally disagree. The public sector is accountable(the people/voters have a say in its efficiency). The private sector is not. Can you imagine if the gov ran the Toronto Maple leafs? If the gov didn't maintain a competitive team, we could vote the Coach, GM and everyone else out of office!lol The private sector rewards their staff/CEO's millions of dollars in bonuses for their incompetence! Edited August 23, 2010 by Johnny Bass
Guest Johnny Bass Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 (edited) On 8/23/2010 at 6:24 PM, cram said: I would bet that 95% of what you buy comes from outside the province. Would you be willing to have less (because you could afford less) if it meant supporting local businesses? Sorry but this argument is nonsense. I can bring in some stolen tractor trailers of goods. Would you be willing to rather have less, when you could have more for less? Yes I'd be willing to have less, so more people can have jobs and there would be a lot less drain on our tax dollars threw social services. So in essence. I would have more, my family would have more, my friends and neighbors would have more and everyone would be happy. Edited August 23, 2010 by Johnny Bass
cram Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 On 8/23/2010 at 6:26 PM, Johnny Bass said: I totally disagree. The public sector is accountable(the people/voters have a say in its efficiency). The private sector is not. Can you imagine if the gov ran the Toronto Maple leafs? If the gov didn't maintain a competitive team, we could vote the Coach, GM and everyone else out of office!lol The private sector rewards their staff/CEO's millions of dollars in bonuses for their incompetence! Man oh man....the private sector is held accountable by an open market that determines whether or not they stay in business. I assume you work in public sector.
Guest Johnny Bass Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 On 8/23/2010 at 6:31 PM, cram said: Man oh man....the private sector is held accountable by an open market that determines whether or not they stay in business. I assume you work in public sector. How naive to not know that the private sector has pretty much already cornered the market. And will stay in business regardless. IF WORSE COMES TO WORSE THEY HAVE OUR TAX DOLLARS TO BAIL THEM OUT.
cram Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 On 8/23/2010 at 6:34 PM, Johnny Bass said: How naive to not know that the private sector has pretty much already cornered the market. And will stay in business regardless. IF WORSE COMES TO WORSE THEY HAVE OUR TAX DOLLARS TO BAIL THEM OUT. Do you work in public sector?
Guest Johnny Bass Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 (edited) On 8/23/2010 at 6:39 PM, cram said: Do you work in public sector? I usually work in the private sector but not by choice. Believe me. Anyone here who would not like a government job backed by a union is just fooling themselves. Why do you ask? Edited August 23, 2010 by Johnny Bass
Billy Bob Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 On 8/23/2010 at 6:21 PM, Johnny Bass said: Where in your opinion did all the manufacturing jobs go 30 years ago? They went somewhere since New York's population is second only to LA. And their consumption rate would be quite high. It is clear outsourcing of manufacturing jobs is the culprit. Whether it is to another state or another country. Where did all the JOBS go over the last 30 YEARS...simple to areas, like southern states and other countries that have LOWER TAXES BECAUSE OF LESS's that SIMPLE. And WNY has lost a LOT of it's population because of it's HIGH TAXES which are the highest in the NATION. The City of Buffalo alone has less than 250,000 people left and most are either on welfare or have a government job.....SAD ! ! ! Now answer the $64,000.00 you work a government job or in the private sector ? ? ?
rylan Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 Billy Bob You need to watch out-- your president is after your retirement now-- check this out:
Guest Johnny Bass Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 On 8/23/2010 at 3:29 PM, jedimaster said: You wanna here something even better. When I got divorced my Ex took the car and transfered it in her name. Plate and Vehicle transfered into a new name. 6 months later I get a bill saying she was on the 407 and I have to pay for it. I called them and told them the plate was transferred months ago and they said too bad its listed in there system under my name and I have to pay it and they sent it to collections. Nice eh. Not nice. I'd be fuming! That is legalized robbery/extortion.
Guest Johnny Bass Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 (edited) On 8/23/2010 at 6:50 PM, Billy Bob said: Where did all the JOBS go over the last 30 YEARS...simple to areas, like southern states and other countries that have LOWER TAXES BECAUSE OF LESS's that SIMPLE. And WNY has lost a LOT of it's population because of it's HIGH TAXES which are the highest in the NATION. The City of Buffalo alone has less than 250,000 people left and most are either on welfare or have a government job.....SAD ! ! ! Now answer the $64,000.00 you work a government job or in the private sector ? ? ? Sure they have lower taxes. They are poor nations. You cant get blood out of a stone. This is all about exploitation of the poor. Not taxes or less government. The poor have been exploited since the beginning of economics. Quebec in Canada were smart. They would not let another province, let alone another country import stuff that they can produce domestically and that is the way it should be. Reminds me of Detroit, where I think racism may have been a factor. Or is it, they lost the population because people moved away looking for WORK? I already answered that question. Private but not by choice. Edited August 23, 2010 by Johnny Bass
Billy Bob Posted August 23, 2010 Report Posted August 23, 2010 On 8/23/2010 at 6:53 PM, monsterman said: Billy Bob You need to watch out-- your president is after your retirement now-- check this out: The bugger can't touch my RR Retirement that I have been collecting for over 7 years already...
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