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St Joseph's Island


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Well were back after a few good days up on St Joesephs island...


Fishing wasn't spectacular but it was still enough to keep us busy. We left at 11:30 pm Tuesday and a very tired cody drove the whole way till we arrived at camp Wednesday 9:30 am We quickly set up camp, and realized we were the only group of campers using tents, and cooking over the fire lol.


We fished hard everyday, and were exhausted the entire time.


The first day we didnt get into any fish, the wind was howling so we didnt stay out there too long. The next day was different... We worked our way into a little bay off the st marys, and tried for perch at first...no real bites until i land a decent 1lbs smallie on a perch rig for the first fish of the trip. crawdad got a smallie about the same size shorly after, then we moved into a shallow weedy bay. I got into two pike in this bay in only 4-5 cast, both in the 4 lbs range. Craig got into another right after and we kept a few of these fish for dinner that night, which was excellent btw....


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We returned to this bay later that night and me and Dave were both rewarded with a few decent pike that we released...




The next day we fished hard all day, crawdad got his 1st, 2nd and 3rd pike of the trip on this day i believe...Dave got another one, and pete hooked into a nice one as well....This was a tough day of the water for me, only landing a 1/2 pound bass right before heading in...and missing 2-3 good hits earlier on in the day.


Not sure which day it was but dave was able to land a 5-6 lbs bowfin that was likely the largest fish of the trip...was pretty cool to see one up close for the first time!


Day 3 me and cody loaded up the canoe and headeed deep into the bush looking for some back lake brookies....we were driving up and down trails looking for the lake, we eventually got back to the lake, after a half hour canoe portage.

And we didnt catch squat....was pretty neat getting way back to fish the lake, and saw a set of moose tracks as well.

This was the lake u suggested Dr. S(If u read this), was quite the adventure getting out there ill tell you that....it seemed like a perfect little lake but the fish were just not interested in what we had to offer.


The last few days we did alot of drinking/swimming/tubing/cliff jumping...but did get a few more fish as well....We did some perch fishing as well....although the bite was nearly non stop when we did target then, there was only a handful of keepers all week so they all went back in the water.


The last morning turned out to be the best for me, landing my PB smallie, somewhere between 4.5-6.5 pounds, didnt get a real good pic of it as my camera died earlier that day. I got this beast in 3-4 FOW in thick weeds on a weightles white texas rigged sluggo.



It hit like a ton of bricks and provided a very exciting few minutes of fight!

The rest of the day we got a few more small fish here and there, but was mostly spent doing some swimming and cliff jumping...and dave actually got into about 5 perch on a spinner bait!



Most of my fish came on a #5 Mepps bucktail, with a small pike on a CL spinner, and the sluggo bass...Other peoples success came on spoons, bluefox spinners, and small spinners baits...



We were planing on getting up near the sault to go after some atlantics...but didnt realize how much extra driving there was invloved....we had enough fishing to keep up busy for the few days that we were there...



Good trip for sure, and there are many more pics the share, but i havent loaded them onto comp yet.....these are just from codys blackberry so the photos arent the greatest quality!

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

Hey chum. Sorry you didn't have much luck on that lake. It's a stocked lake but is only stocked every few years, leading to less but larger fish. I was hoping to hook you guys up with a bruiser!

That bass is a tank buddy!

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It looks like you guys had a good time on the island.

To bad you never made it up to the river for a day of atlantics. I kept an eye out for you guys last week when I was out for a few hours on Canada day. Great looking smallie, what a chunk!

Keep in touch if you plan on coming back up...



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Thanks guys! Yea it was a blast for sure, Woulda loved to try for atlantics but we just didnt have enough time.

Here are a bunch more pics from my camera so there a bit better quality



Cody's first pike




Moose track


Dave with a pike


Another pike of codys


Nice little pond stumbled upon in the woods.


Me with a small pike


Daves nice pike




Dont mine the hold, these two were dinner as well!


A good pic of my big bass!


hope you enjoy!

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