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The Wealthy Barber


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Guest Johnny Bass

Blarg: i am not sure where u are coming from with that statement but rest assured, as a small business owner off and on since 1994, I have been ripped off royally by a couple of employees. One so bad that it tipped me in to bankruptcy.


On the other hand, I have had some great employees who to this day we are friends with each other as our lives have taken different paths.


Don;t for a second think that small business owners are out to rip you off anymore than you are out to rip them off. ;)


I disagree. I'd say for the most part? They are dishonest. At least in my experiences. I grew up watching my parents get scammed, time, after time, after time because they were immigrants and uneducated. This is why I will not allow anyone to rip me off that easily.


I remember the guy coming to fix the dishwasher 2 times and take money and still was broken and after refused to come back and fix it. Window company installed windows screwed them up and then went bankrupt and probably opened up under another name. Sold a lemon car and again, went bankrupt the next week. Bought a brand new garage door opener, company went out of business, had two DIFFERENT guys come to look at it and both told me it was toast and that I would have to install a new one. With a screw driver and some electrical tape and an hour later? I fixed it myself. So much for the unit being toast. Same thing with my furnace motor. Now if I start talking about mechanics, I'll be typing forever. Not to say that there are no honest mechanics, but there are more dishonest than honest.


Not to mention all the business people doing illegal stuff on the side.


And of course employees rip off owners,but insurance covers that stuff. What protects the consumer from getting ripped off? Small claims courts, but make sure you have your I's and T's crossed and the money for a good lawyer. Plus the small claims court route is too complicated with too much running around to do and papers to fill and fees to pay.


Not to mention my friend got robbed by direct energy and have been trying to find the number for the better business bereau(sp?). Apparently, its always busy!

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I run a small business and so far I haven’t raised any of my pricing (yet) because of the HST but I feel we’ll have to.

Right off the top next year it’s going to cost me an extra $1500.00 to do business.

As a collector of PST we were given 5% of what we collected, up to $1500.00 a year for collecting and remitting the tax.

Well that’s now gone with the HST; but we still have the same work in collecting the tax and remitting it. (never did get anything for collecting, tracking and remitting GST)

Where else am I going to get this money back other then raising pricing.

The government wins all around; they’re not paying anyone for collecting the tax plus they’ll be getting extra tax form the increased pricing.

In my opinion all they (the government) are doing is making people think of doing something they haven’t done much of in a long time; black market, under the table dealings.

I get asked daily if I’m willing to not write an invoice for my labour and of course I say no; wouldn’t want to defraud the tax man now would I?????



So what you are saying is that because you no longer get to keep a percentage of the tax you collect it is costing you money? Doing your accounting is all part of running a business. Saying that you don't get to keep money which really was never yours is bogus. It's not going to "cost" you $1500 more next year, you are losing a perk and that is it. That $1500 was a bonus and nothing more, and to lose that is not costing you money, it's lowering your bonus. But I am sure you will pass that onto the paying customer in the end. The sense of entitlement people have these days is something else...

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Guest Johnny Bass

So what you are saying is that because you no longer get to keep a percentage of the tax you collect it is costing you money? Doing your accounting is all part of running a business. Saying that you don't get to keep money which really was never yours is bogus. It's not going to "cost" you $1500 more next year, you are losing a perk and that is it. That $1500 was a bonus and nothing more, and to lose that is not costing you money, it's lowering your bonus. But I am sure you will pass that onto the paying customer in the end. The sense of entitlement people have these days is something else...


How can this small business owner say he didn't get anything from the G.S.T if the G.S.T was introduced to help business owners???


And now the business owners are getting a bigger slice of the pie. As opposed to only the G.S.T? Now they get 13% they can claim.


Did they lose a perk or did their perk get improved?


Time to scrap the H.S.T and G.S.T for that mater and if the businesses cant afford to stay in business, they shouldn't be. Not live off the backs of the consumers, as is typical for the rich.


Less taxes equals more money in the hands of consumers, which equates to more consumerism, which equates to more demand, which equates to more jobs, which equates to more profits, which equates to more taxes to the government.

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What protects the consumer from getting ripped off? Small claims courts, but make sure you have your I's and T's crossed and the money for a good lawyer. Plus the small claims court route is too complicated with too much running around to do and papers to fill and fees to pay.


Consumer Protection Act



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Guest Johnny Bass

Consumer Protection Act




Are they better than the better business beareau and what is their number! And is it always busy like the BBB? I have some complaints right off the bat!

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Guest Johnny Bass

It's not a "they", it's a law. Here's the "they"




Go nuts.




I was also reading on about the H.S.T. and how they make it seem so non chalant. Only 17% more taxed items on an already over taxed economy. And this is supposed to be nothing? Just on heating and gas alone(which is already over taxed!)will put an extra dent in most people's budget.


I recall my friend stating they were even taxing her on her home phone, or internet now.(can't remember which one). A bit here, a bit there and it all adds up.


I'm sick and tired of the rich justifying their robbery with their theory of trickle down economics. It doesn't work. Give more money to big businesses so they can create jobs, bla bla bla. How about trickle UP economics? Give more money to the ones struggling so they can pick them selves up and become productive citizens. They have more money, they spend more, the companies are happy, the people are happy, the government gets increased tax revenue and everyoine is happy.


This tax just makes the rich richer and the poor, poorer.



Thanks for the number. I will be calling them shortly.

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problems with getting ripped off on windows, movers, garage door guys, etc etc can USUALLY be avoided by doing your homework. do your research, ask the right questions and get multiple quotes on things and you'll find it much easier to find someone not out to rip you off. if you go with the cheapest quote you find, theres normally a reason. i dont really feel sorry for anyone who claims to get ripped off because they didnt spend a bit of time educating themselves on what they're spending money on. people will spend all sorts of time on the internet when it comes to spending a grand on a tv, but will hire the guy with the cheapest quote to put 10k worth of windows into a house? cmon.



of course, this rant has little to do with the HST, but more to do with the people who think every tradesman/mechanic/shopowner is a ripoff artist.



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2 numbers. Both busy. I feel so protected as a consumer. :rolleyes:


Johnny: with no disrespect intended at all, but how can one family have so much bad "luck" in their purchases of services or goods?

Something doesn't equate here.


I can also play the "not protected card" by unscrupulous homeowners( 2 to be exact) that ripped me off to the tune of over 10k! Who do I turn to to recover that money and should I not pay my employees for the work they did on those two homes, may ask for a credit from the suppliers for the materials that these scumbags are using to this day?


If I stayed focused on those two negative experiences I would never work in a home again.


With your fears of business owners and their practices, how do u ever walk in to a:

Tackle shop

Gas station to fill up the boat/truck

Tim Horton's to get a java for the early drive to the lake


These questions are not meant to tick u off, but are meant to ask you for a little self reflection on all the good experiences you have had with businesses over your life time as well. ;)

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So what you are saying is that because you no longer get to keep a percentage of the tax you collect it is costing you money? Doing your accounting is all part of running a business. Saying that you don't get to keep money which really was never yours is bogus. It's not going to "cost" you $1500 more next year, you are losing a perk and that is it. That $1500 was a bonus and nothing more, and to lose that is not costing you money, it's lowering your bonus. But I am sure you will pass that onto the paying customer in the end. The sense of entitlement people have these days is something else...


....so your boss tells you to come in next saturday and sunday to do inventory or "catch up" for free no pay today...you say..."see you at 8 boss!". What do you think it costs in time and money ie. accounting services to collect and remit any taxes we collect?

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Guest Johnny Bass

problems with getting ripped off on windows, movers, garage door guys, etc etc can USUALLY be avoided by doing your homework. do your research, ask the right questions and get multiple quotes on things and you'll find it much easier to find someone not out to rip you off. if you go with the cheapest quote you find, theres normally a reason. i dont really feel sorry for anyone who claims to get ripped off because they didnt spend a bit of time educating themselves on what they're spending money on. people will spend all sorts of time on the internet when it comes to spending a grand on a tv, but will hire the guy with the cheapest quote to put 10k worth of windows into a house? cmon.



of course, this rant has little to do with the HST, but more to do with the people who think every tradesman/mechanic/shopowner is a ripoff artist.




Like I said. My parents were uneducated and did not speak English well.

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Guest Johnny Bass

Johnny: with no disrespect intended at all, but how can one family have so much bad "luck" in their purchases of services or goods?

Something doesn't equate here.


I can also play the "not protected card" by unscrupulous homeowners( 2 to be exact) that ripped me off to the tune of over 10k! Who do I turn to to recover that money and should I not pay my employees for the work they did on those two homes, may ask for a credit from the suppliers for the materials that these scumbags are using to this day?


If I stayed focused on those two negative experiences I would never work in a home again.


With your fears of business owners and their practices, how do u ever walk in to a:

Tackle shop

Gas station to fill up the boat/truck

Tim Horton's to get a java for the early drive to the lake


These questions are not meant to tick u off, but are meant to ask you for a little self reflection on all the good experiences you have had with businesses over your life time as well. ;)


No disrespect taken. Actually it does equate and they are not the only people I know that have been ripped off alot. Right now I am arguing with direct energy, who was charging a friend of mine 300 every two months for a one bedroom apartment. Someone is doing some scamming.


A)you get a lawyer(you can afford it) B) you right it off as a loss come tax time.


I am a smart shopper. I know how to look for deals. If the price is unreasonable. I wont buy, but when your forced to pay an unreasonable price? Thats when it becomes a problem.


The good experiences I have had with businesses are well established businesses for the most part, that have been in business over 30 years. Although you pay a little more for your product? the company backs their product up 100%.


See how all the business owners chime in?lol Like I said, the wealthy seem to have a louder voice then the majority.

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Guest Johnny Bass

It's a conspiracy to get you. ;)




Nope. Its due to the government switching to automated answering machines and cutting down on staff to divert money to their campaign donators.

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Like I said. My parents were uneducated and did not speak English well.


Sorry bro... i don;t get that one either... my in-laws are first generation uneducated immigrants from the Philippines.... they had one bad experience with a business and pulled all their business away from them.( CIBC missed the boat on their business ;) )

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Guest Johnny Bass

Sorry bro... i don;t get that one either... my in-laws are first generation uneducated immigrants from the Philippines.... they had one bad experience with a business and pulled all their business away from them.( CIBC missed the boat on their business ;) )


I'm not asking you to get anything. Just telling you what I have heard and seen. Lots of people being ripped off. Lots of dishonest businessmen. Thats not to say all businessmen are crooked but there are alot out there.


Even on this site we hear of people getting ripped off constantly.

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