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Panfish, New Deck, Birthday & Easter!

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Hey OFC!


Every year once we wrap up editing the latest season of Facts of Fishing THE SHOW, Dave give's me a mandatory week off from the computer. Well this past week worked out well because it was book-ended by a long weekend, which gave me 10 days off in a row. I had big plans...


1) Build a deck


2) Summerize the boat


3) Do a panfish trip with Averie


4) Hit the bay for pike


5) And most of all, something I've been looking forward to for years, is to accept an invitation from Solo to catch my first good steelhead....


Well, as it turns out, it's WAY MORE WORK than I had anticipated when it comes to building a 60 foot wide by 8 foot front deck! lol Couple this with the fact that I'm not a carpenter, my Dad and "foreman" injured his knee real bad just before starting, it rained 5 days while building and VOILA, my holidays are over, the boat hasn't moved out of the garage and my deck isn't finished yet! :wallbash:


On the bright side it's coming along quite well, I'm very proud of the work I've done on it and am looking forward to the final product.... then finally getting out in the boat.


My Ground work...



Then it was hail and rain... Yes that's HAIL the size of marbles, not snow in my front yard...



Put the deck boards down myself on saturday (ran out with 7 boards to go)





Started the skirting on sunday



I still have to finish the skirting, railings, and steps. Then put in the new front door, and upgrade the wood around the door an above the window's. More work than I'd hoped, as is usually the case with unfamiliar projects, but doing the work myself makes the project fit into our budget, and there's always a sense of self satisfaction after you finish something like this yourself.


It wasn't all work though, I drank my fair share of beers, and Averie and I managed to sneak out for 1 quick panfish trip from shore.. We didn't get into any of the big giant bluegill we're used to, but that's how it is when you're stuck on shore sometimes. We did managed a bunch of decent gills and crappie though...


My usual fishing partner..walked all the way in about a 20 minute walk by herself through the bush...



Averie's first gill of 2010



Crappie - It's great now that she's old enough to take pictures of MY fish to! haha Even if they are smaller than hers...





Thinking about kissing him?



A couple other moments to remember from my spring Holidays of 2010


My boy Luke experienced his first Easter!





My niece had her first roasted marshmallow with Uncle Ryan.. (and stayed up late haha)



And I turned 28 years old... getting dangerously close to 30 lol



Anyways, I thought I'd share my holiday goings on with my friends from OFC. I haven't had much time to reply to topics, but have been keeping an eye on everyone's reports. Thanks for reports and keep them coming.




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Ryan I was down your way Saturday fishing gills as well and this years crop definately seems of smaller size.


We did find some good fish schooled up at the back end of the lake but the smaller ones were much more agressive so it wasn't easy getting the big guys hooked up. From my experience the bigger fish are more active in the morning or before dark but in the afternoon they just sit back and take in the sun. Shoot me a pm if you need any tips on spots! I know you aren't one totake advatage of a fishery...


Your deck would have taken a quarter of the time if I was there drinking your beer and supervising :D


Sorry that's not true, I would have said screw this let's go fishing!


no worries Dan, my dad, brother and a buddy who helped a bit drank plenty of my beer. It's amazing how fast you can go through a 28 pack of beer when you start drinking them at noon. I still refuse to believe it slowed us down!

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