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hows your luck


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A couple weeks ago, the wife and I decided to head to Wisconsin to visit our summer neighbours manufacturing plant then on to southern Minnesota to his house and along the way we would hit a couple casinos. The first casino we went to was Fortune Bay (1 1/2 hours south of Fort Frances) and I managed to lose $20. The wife wouldn't tell me how much she lost, so I assume it was over $100. While at our neighbours we hit a casino in Iowa that is close to his house and I ended up at a fishing game. I guess I should have known better since my $20 limit was gone quickly and I ended up losing $60. This is a big loss for me since it is the wife who gambles. On the way home we stayed at another casino the wife visits with her girlfriends and Holy Smokes I ended up UP $120 , so when we left the states, I felt like a real winner. The wife ended up coming home with more than she took so it was a relatively cheap trip SO FAR.


We made it to Vermillion Bay and headed up the highway to home when the truck started grinding . BUMMER, so I turned around and went to Dryden and the dealership where I got the truck. While I was waiting for the wife to come back from the toilet I made the mistake of telling the owner she was looking for a new car. WRONG thing to do.


Long story short, I came home with a 2006 charger , a smiling wife, and a broken truck left in Dryden to be picked up when I take the trade in car to the dealership. Cost so far , over $15,000 So much for being a big winner.


2 days later, the dealership calls, the truck will cost , worst case scenario, $4300.


We go tomorrow to get the truck, pay for the car and I hope we have no trouble in the near future, because this trip broke me!!

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Well, im not sure I can top that, but in the last month I had my car broken into, my mail stolen, my health insurance comapny screwed with my coverage, i got a collections comp after me(my wife actually) for a debt i didnt know she had, my car went down 3 times for a total of $1700, today i got a letter for a late payment on that same vehicle another better half mistake that also went to collections at least i managed to pay it today, there is more, but you get the idea.


Oh, btw, that same car has cracks in the roof from front to back and whenever it rains I get a puddle in the cargo area, a couple inch deep puddle, even better, its not even 5 years old and not yet paid for, i love to get rid of it but because of the above credit issues, i cant.


life sure can suck sometimes, but it is still better than the alternative.

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