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Canadian Healthcare!


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In a capitalist society this is EXACTLY how you get the BEST of anything......would you work for half of what you are now being paid so the customer is happier than you....I know many wouldn't.



LOL!!The capitalist society is a joke. I seem to recall all those capitalist running to the goverment looking for public money to bail out their sorry arses. Nice to be a capitalist when everything is rosy and your pocketing billions and then when your bogus deals blow up in your face you are able to go ask for more of Joe the plumbers money.


The capitalist society that you love so much would surely tell some poor sap that needs a 200K operation but only has 50K in coverage to take a hike, nice system they have no problem asking for tax dollars but are not likely to give a tax payer a break.


God bless the capitalists.

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LOL!!The capitalist society is a joke. I seem to recall all those capitalist running to the goverment looking for public money to bail out their sorry arses. Nice to be a capitalist when everything is rosy and your pocketing billions and then when your bogus deals blow up in your face you are able to go ask for more of Joe the plumbers money.


The capitalist society that you love so much would surely tell some poor sap that needs a 200K operation but only has 50K in coverage to take a hike, nice system they have no problem asking for tax dollars but are not likely to give a tax payer a break.


God bless the capitalists.


Quoting for emphasis!!!!

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LOL!!The capitalist society is a joke. I seem to recall all those capitalist running to the goverment looking for public money to bail out their sorry arses. Nice to be a capitalist when everything is rosy and your pocketing billions and then when your bogus deals blow up in your face you are able to go ask for more of Joe the plumbers money.


The capitalist society that you love so much would surely tell some poor sap that needs a 200K operation but only has 50K in coverage to take a hike, nice system they have no problem asking for tax dollars but are not likely to give a tax payer a break.


God bless the capitalists.


Well since you also live in a capitalist society and don't think much of it I would recommend packing your bags and heading to a non capitalist government country.......Try Haiti.......oh, wait......it's being helped by Capitalist Countries now.

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I have noticed that most of the people chiming in about how great our health care system is, are mostly from around the Toronto area. In Toronto votes are bought on a regular basis by our illustrious politicos. I'm sure wait times and medical assistance are timely and available for you guys. But to those who believe our system is so great, well I think you should look past the comfy environs of the GTA as the same is not so in many parts of our country. Toronto is the tail that wags the dog in Canada so to speak, and hey, call me Lundboy if you want haha.


I had a kidney stone in '06 that completely shut down my left kidney. After being seen by at least 5 healthcare professionals that all checked the exact same things, one of them incorrectly diagnosed me with diverticulitis, for which I took several pills for almost two weeks, until finding out I had a kidney stone. Then I waited two weeks to see a eurologist. When he eventually saw me, he told me my condition was very serious and wrote "urgent" on his report that he sent to the hospital that would perform my surgery. He also told me that a kidney could completely fail anywhere from 2 days to 28 days after blockage. It was exactly 28 days before I got in to surgery. In the meantime I had been given the name of a doctor from Syracuse and called his office. They had a spot open to take me in for surgery in two days and the surgery was going to cost under $2000. I was about to book with them when the hospital in Ottawa finally called to book me in the same day as the US hospital was going to book me in. If I would have lost my kidney there would have been a lawsuit....probaly would not have won against McGuilty and his cronies....they would simply buy lawyers with my tax dollars.


Same with my daughter who had a very severe ear infection. At the local hospital, she was bounced around by several healtcare workers who all performed the exact same checking, and then left us waiting.... When we finally got called in to see a doctor my daughter sat on a gurney for yet another half hour. While we were waiting we could hear a man and a woman in the next room chatting about their daily lives, laughing and talking and sure enough when they were done it was the nurse and doctor who entered the room to look at my daughter. From them we got no answers. We finally left in disgust and drove to CHEO....more or less the same thing. Checked eyes, ears, mouth, neck when we first arrived. Then another healthcare worker does the same thing. After about 3 hours in the waiting room, finally in to see the next healthcare worker. They did the same check and then told us a doctor would be in next. So in comes the "doctor" who performed the same test a fourth time. I started to ask a few questions and she says "I'm sorry, I'm just starting out in training, the doctor will be in to see you next". That next doctor after performing the exact same checking for a fifth time, finally gave her some medication to alleviate the pain. Nice way to to spend an entire day, listening to my daughter wailing continuously in pain, and finally receiving a bit of medication, a subscription for medication and a recommendation to see a specialist, with whom we had to make an appointment, which we did, but it was 8 months before she could get in to have those little ear implants installed.....about 15 minutes in surgery.


Our hospitals, especially CHEO do some wonderful things and all the healtcare workers seemed genuinely concerned for our daughter, but when it came to actually resolving the problem it was not quick or timely by any means.


And anyone who believes our healthcare is free, well.....never mind....... :wallbash:


Really sorry about your kidney and the mixups that have caused you a lot of pain, but i really doubt a more capitalistic healthcare system solves your problem. The most profitable markets are still going to be the major centers like Toronto. At least in our system the gov't incents doctors to go set up in rural areas.


I mean, i love the north and rural areas and would LOVE to live there if i could.....but i doubt it draws more doctors.

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capitalism is a good thing....many of you have jobs and freedom because of it.



Yes as long as you understand that every 10-15 years or so there will be a crisis or a bubble if you like, you remember the oil crisis and the dot com bubble and now the real estate bubble these were all created by greedy capitalists.


The wonderful capitalist have put the US economy in debt to the tune of 65 trillion dollars, just think about that number for minute until it sinks in.

Can you imagine what it costs a year to service this debt hundreds of billions I would guess, and don`t forget that the interest cost are historically low at this time. It`s anybodys guess what is going to happen when the interest rates start to rise can`t be good I would think.

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